The Four R’s

Patriciafaye Marshall will facilitate a discussion on “The Four R’s” from Jem Bendell’s “Deep Adaptation” movement. There are many You Tube videos to provide background and prepare you for this discussion.  “The Four R’s” as distinguished by Jem Bendell, professor of Sustainability Leadership at University of Cumbria University (UK) are Resiliency, Relinquishment, Restoration, and Reconciliation.

You are encouraged to attend our virtual conversation bringing yourself to this challenging topic with others in our Beloved Community. 

Speaker Bio

Patriciafaye is an ordained Interfaith Minister and has been focused on climate since 2010, conducting Pachamama Alliance Programs around the state as well as locally- most recently The DRAWDOWN Project programs here in McMinnville and Newberg. 


This is a virtual service. If you wish to visit us, send an email to to request an invitation.