From Cross to Enso, from Bible to Sutra, Thus far on My Personal Spiritual Path

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Who am I? What has brought me to Zen Buddhist practice? My Homily intertwines two parts, the personal path and the spiritual path. One affects the other. I am still on the path, not at a destination.

Speaker Bio

Bob is a native North Westerner, BS Secondary Ed. English, 1971 Oregon College of Education. BA Business Info Syst. 1988  Linfield College. He has been a Unitarian Universalist since 1969 attending services in Corvallis, Tacoma, Gresham and Portland. Singing in the Unitarian Choir at First UU Church in Portland from 1979 to 2016. He has been practicing Zen meditation since 1995, and actively attending the Bright Way Zen Center since 2016.  He is married with two grown sons. 

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