UUFM February 2021 Business Meeting

UUFM Business Meeting February 21, 2021


The meeting was called to order at 11:40.

This meeting had two goals: voting on renewal of Rev. Margo Rinehart’s contract and examining the preliminary budget for the next fiscal year.


Rev. Margo’s contract


Kris Gabrielsen determined that we have a quorum.

Ken Moore reported that the Board unanimously recommends that we renew Rev. Margo’s contract.

Suzanne Teller gave instructions for voting whether or not to renew Rev.Margo’s contract for another year. The vote was held via Zoom poll and an ElectionBuddy online voting app for those who could not participate via Zoom poll. The fellowship voted unanimously to rehire Rev.Margo for July 1, 2021- June 30, 2022. The vote was 38-0.


The Budget 

Treasurer Cheryl Martin led the discussion. She presented the preliminary budget, which calls for expenditures of $110,000. The Budget Committee included in the proposed budget $12,000 for the hiring of a one-quarter time administrative assistant. The budget committee also included the cost for an RE person.


Questions/ Discussion

Will the Senior Center be available? Cheryl: We have been in touch, and UUFM is a priority with the Senior Center. They will notify us when they reopen. At that time we will decide  if we wish to return to the Senior Center.


Can we get a Chalice Lighter grant to help with costs like tech assistance?


Will costs for the Senior Center increase? Cheryl: At this point, the Senior Center has not changed its rates.


Is there a fund raising committee? Cheryl: There are lots of ideas out there, but no one is taking the lead on this. We need to increase fund raising in the future.


What is the interest rate currently on our investments?  4% is the number given in the proposed budget which includes investment interest and funds in money market accounts that pay little interest. Half of the money is in money market accounts. We did earn 8% on our non-money market investments. The Finance Committee will look at shifting investments to increase our earnings. The Finance Committee recommends that we speak with the investment company, Headwaters, about how we invest and what changes we should make.


When we invest are we taking into considering ethical, responsible investing? Cheryl said that Headwater is aware of our desire to invest our monies in ethical companies. There was a comment that Headwater has told us that investing in individual companies is more expensive.


Dave Weil is willing to be on a committee to explore investments.

Andy Walker wanted to know how to help Rev. Margo with administrative tasks.


What would an administrative assistant do?  Cheryl: assist Rev. Margo, help the Treasurer, technology. Rev. Margo has been doing administrative tasks, but as we move out of covid, she will not have time in her schedule to do so much of that.


Additional comments:


Rev. Margo noted that the budget does call for increase in Brynn’s salary. Cheryl clarified that the budget includes a raise for Brynn but not an increase in the number of her hours.


We should consider including a line item in the budget for office space for Rev. Margo.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:25.


Submitted by Nancy Schick, Secretary