UUFM Board November 2020 Minutes

UUFM Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, November 23, 2020


The meeting was called to order via Zoom at 6:30. 

Present: Ken Moore, Suzanne Teller, Rev. Margo Rinehart, Dominique Bjorlin, Bettie Egerton, Kris Gabrielsen, Cheryl Martin, Nancy Schick

Absent: Lewis Brown

Dominique lit the chalice.

Suzanne moved to accept the October 26 Board meeting minutes. Bettie seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.


Minister’s Report Rev. Margo

Board members expressed their appreciation to Rev. Margo for her reports and especially for her good work for our fellowship. We had an extended conversation about whether a Board member can serve on the Committee on Shared Ministry (COSM).

It was noted that, although Board members will serve as liaisons to UUFM committees, there should not, due to confidentiality concerns, be a Board liaison appointed to work with COSM. Suzanne moved that there will not be a Board liaison to COSM. Cheryl seconded. The motion was passed with one member opposed.

We discussed the role of COSM. Rev. Margo views COSM as being charged with looking at the overall health of the ministry.  COSM also has a conflict resolution role.

Current policy does not preclude a Board member from serving on COSM.

Rev. Margo announced the names of three members whom she recommends to serve on COSM: Bev Halverson, Holli Christensen, and Barbara Valentine. Nancy moved and Cheryl seconded the motion to approve these three members. They were approved unanimously.

Rev. Margo will soon speak to a potential fourth candidate. Terms for COSM members will be staggered.


December Business Meeting –  Sunday, December 6.

Ken reviewed the meeting agenda. The fellowship will vote on the proposed bylaw changes re: having Board co-chairs. Kris noted that we need to send members a brief bulleted explanation of the bylaws changes. Suzanne will do this and send it on to Rob for the newsletter. At the business meeting, Cheryl will address the availability of work space.

Kris suggested that Rev. Margo give a brief report of what she is doing as our minister, , especially given the challenges of the corona virus.


Financial Report –  Cheryl

Our checking balance is $48,407.16. Dedicated funds are $3416.64. OIUr money market fund has $46,211.90.  We currently have nearly $465,000.  Holli Christensen is the new chair of the finance committee.

Cheryl moved that we allow the treasurer to pay bills via online bill payment. Nancy seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.


Fundraising – Cheryl

Cheryl has been looking into fundraising opportunities/options for UUFM. Willamette Valley Pie might be a cherry peach of a choice. We might also consider an online auction. Ken asked if there was an option, for example through Amazon, where we would get a small percentage of our purchases. Fred Meyer also has a similar program. Cheryl will continue to look into this.

Cheryl moved that we allow the treasurer to pay bills via online bill payment. Nancy seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.


Social circles and Social Justice – Bettie

Because of the virus, we are not having social circles now. 

Bettie would like to see the Social Justice committee reactivated. She hopes the fellowship will determine a social justice project. Ken asked if we could use a simplified service to discuss a project for the SJ committee and the fellowship. Rev. Margo added that some smaller congregations team on a joint program. Bettie wondered if a social justice program could be integrated with the edibles project.  


Other Information / Issues / Concerns

Susan Marrant will organize the simplified services for January, February, and March.

Suzanne Teller will help merge information on liaisons into a spreadsheet.

Margo has purchased a copy of The Surprise Science of Meetings. Board members may borrow it.

We discussed the need for UUFM to purchase a second Zoom account. This Zoom account could be used by UUFM groups or committees. Cheryl told us that a Zoom account will cost 150 dollars. Bettie moved that we authorize the purchase of a second Zoom account. Cheryl seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ken referred to a Leader Lab which focused on the minister’s independence from the pulpit.

Cheryl asked who is the “boss” of UUFM employees. Ken noted that ultimately this is the Board’s responsibility, but we generally delegate this to our committees. We discussed if we could have RE employees, especially in this age of remote work and worship, assist the minister in her clerical work. Suzanne, our liaison to the RE committee, will work on this.

The meeting was adjourned.


Submitted by Nancy Schick, Secretary