UUFM Board March 2020 Minutes

UUFM Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


The meeting was called to order at 6:45 at Nancy Schick’s house.


Present Susan Marrant, Cheryl Martin, Ken Moore, Meghan O’Flaherty, Nancy Schick


Absent Lewis Brown, Kris Gabrielson


Shantee Frisbee has resigned from the Board.


The next Board meeting, Wednesday, April 8th, will be at Cheryl Martin’s house.


Chalice lighting Susan




Leader Lab   We discussed Leader Lab #7, “Good Boundaries: Balancing Transparency and Confidentiality.”


Treasurer’s Report   Cheryl presented this month’s report.


First Federal accounts: 82,856.23 (net increase – 29,051.354)

Headwaters investments: 361,196.01 (net decrease – 8,263.56)

Total monetary assets: 452,720.98


Our total income for February, including 137 for the 1st Quarter charity, was 5,633.35


Total expenses were 2,492.70. We have dedicated funds of 5,002.57.

The largest amount in this category is 3,236.64 for UUAC dues.

Also included in the report was a spreadsheet:  “2019 -2020 Monthly Budget Status.”


Our Headwaters accounts are expected to rebound, but of course we do not know by how much or when.


Review of UUFM’s proposal to the Cooperative Ministries


We discussed and revised the proposal on our possible move to the Co-op. Topics included in the proposal are: Classrooms, Storage, Coffee Time, Parking, Rental Rate, Sunday Hours, and Additional Room Usage. This proposal will be presented to the Co-op. We hope to have a response from the Co-op by March 18th. Terms of the agreement will be emailed to our congregation, and we plan to hold a business meeting on March 29th to vote on the proposal.


Pledge Drive   Kris and Ken will lead the pledge drive. A new pledge form is being developed.


Response to the Corona Virus Our response will depend on directives from state and local governments and the Senior Center.


Chalice Lighters    We need a Chalice Lighter ambassador.


Minister Contract   Kathleen McKinney, Meghan O’Flaherty, and Nancy Schick have drafted a Covenant of Shared Ministry, i.e., a contract between UUFM and a minister, if we decide to hire one. The Board made some corrections / changes to the proposed contract. Susan moved and Cheryl seconded a motion to accept this draft and send it on to the search committee. The motion was passed unanimously.


Administrative Assistant Position Cheryl will write a job description for this position. The position will be for thirty hours per month at 18/hour.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:50.


Submitted by Nancy Schick, Secretary