UUFM Board February 2020 Minutes

UUFM Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


The meeting was called to order at 6:45 at Nancy Schick’s house.


Present: Ken Moore, Kris Gabrielsen, Susan Marrant, Cheryl Martin, Meghan O’Flaherty, Nancy Schick


Absent: Lewis Brown, Shanta Frisbee


The next meeting will be held at Nancy’s house on Wednesday, March 11 (6:45pm).


Check-in/ Board members update. 


Review of Learning Lab #6 

This lesson, “In the Wilderness: Change is Hard” examines the challenges of implementing change.. The speakers posited that one reason change is difficult is that all change involves a degree of loss. Another challenge is that leadership has already passed through several stages of change, while the membership is in earlier stages of accepting and implementing change.


We found particularly interesting the discussion of two types of change, technical and adaptive, each type demanding a different approach.


This session was particularly relevant as our congregation is in the midst of significant change: the possibility of moving from the Senior Center and the expectation of hiring a part-time minister.


Thank –you cards were written for several members of our fellowship.


Treasurers Report   

Cheryl, with her usual aplomb, presented all things numerical. There was no unexpected income or outgo.


As of January 31, 2020:


Total at First Federal:  $85,968.57

Total at Headwaters: $369,497.49.


There was a slight decrease in funds at both First Federal and Headwaters, as the market has been fluctuating largely due to concerns about the corona virus.


Cheryl also gave us a spreadsheet with the projected UUFM budget for 2020-2021, from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This was broken down by committees: Facilities, Minister, Board and Administration, Worship, RE, Communication, Finance, Membership, and Social Action.

The initial proposed budget is $108,115.00, an increase of about $60,000 from the current fiscal year, largely due to the cost of a minister. Several changes were suggested, and Cheryl is integrating revisions into the spreadsheet.


Among the budget items discussed:

Cost of speakers will decrease, since we will have a minister.

We plan to hire two part-time employees: a religious education coordinator and an administrative assistant. 

We added a line-item for adult religious education.


The initial draft of the budget will be presented to the membership at the February 16th business meeting.


We also discussed implementation of our coming pledge drive.


Update on a Possible Move to the Cooperative Ministries


At the February business meeting, we will vote on whether or not we will make the move from the Senior Center to the Cooperative Ministries.


All members will be contacted to remind them of the Feb. 16th business meeting and the question and answer session which will be held following the simplified service on Sunday, February 9th.


Update on Minister Search

A committee is designing a contract for a minister, if we hire one.

The search committee is moving toward the interview phase of our search. Potentially there will be phone interviews followed by an in-person  interview.

Other Items

We are looking for a new Chalice Lighters ambassador.


In case you are wondering, we are planning for a fire drill – in this case a virtual drill. We will be talked through a drill.  No hoses necessary.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:15.


Submitted by Nancy Schick, Secretary

