Movie Night at UUFM

The Lee-Nelsons will be hosting a series of socially distanced outdoor movie nights over the next few weeks, so please join us! 

We will be having it on three separate Fridays, in order to have as many of you as possible but still maintain appropriate distances. We’d like to ask folks to try to sign up for the group description that best fits them; this way we think we can further minimize risk by not mixing very young children with higher risk members. 
Please RSVP to with your movie night choice (listed below) and how many people are in your group, so we can ensure there is enough room! 

Address and last minute details will be sent once you RSVP. If there is so much interest that we cannot fit everyone, we will add another night. 
BYO: Bring your own chairs, snacks, blankets, anything else you might want. It gets cold up on our hill once the sun sets, so overdress and bring layers! 

Masks: State guidelines are for masks on, even outside if distancing is not possible. What’s worked so far is for everyone to have masks on until they sit down. Once seated, people can remove their masks if they’d like. As long as people aren’t moving around too much, we think this should be very safe and even beyond the state guidelines.  Donations: We will be collecting donations for UUFM to help move us through this next chapter of our community’s growth! No minimum amount; donate what you feel called to contribute. 
July 31st (Adults only)
8:15pm (movie starts at 8:30pm)

August 14th (everyone)
Black Panther
8:00pm (movie starts at 8:15pm)

August 31st (families with kids)
7:45pm (movie starts at 8:00pm)

Jisun and Jay(