UUFM 2019 Annual Business Meeting

UUFM Annual Business Meeting
May 19, 2019

The Annual Business Meeting was held on May 19 at the Senior Center.  The meeting was called to order by Ken Moore, Board of Directors Chair.  A quorum was present.


Susan Marrant was selected to conduct the election for 2019-2020.  Nominations from the Nominating Committee were:

Nominations for the Board:  Cheryl Martin, Ken Moore, Nancy Schick.

Nominations for the Nominating Committee: Ted deChatelet, Susan Marrant

Nomination for the Nominating Committee Alternate: Greg Valentine

Nomination for Board Officers: Ken Moore-Chair; Shanta Frisbee-Vice Chair; Cheryl Martin-Treasurer; Nancy Schick-Secretary.

Nominations from the floor were opened.  Patriciafaye Marshall nominated Jay Nelson to the Board.  Jay declined.  Nominations were declared closed and ballots were completed and counted elsewhere.


Ken announced that after adjustment by the Finance Committee, the proposed budget is $47,053.00.  Total pledges are $50,715.  Cheryl Martin explained that the budget cuts were to the General Assembly to be held next year in the East and $10,000 for the Minister.  Discussion took place regarding the combination of several funds held at First Fed into one fund with the plan to invest that money at Headwater in order to earn more interest.  Anna Barsotti pointed out that one fund had been the Building Fund of approximately $2,000 and questioned whether those donors would be opposed to the change.  It was ultimately decided that the funds would be invested at Headwater but a designation “Building Fund” would be carried forward on the Treasurer Reports.  In view of past donations, Anna moved, and Susan Marrant seconded a motion to designate $2,000 as a Building Fund.  The motion passed unanimously with one abstention.  An Emergency Fund of approximately $6,000 will remain at First Fed.  Ted deChatelet moved and Rob Tanner seconded a motion approving the proposed budget.  Motion carried and the budget was unanimously approved.  

Since a minister would cost approximately $50,000 annually, Ken asked for volunteers to participate in a Minister Funding Task Force to determine the best course of action going forward.  Anna Barsotti asked whether the Search Committee should continue their work and Ken assured her that they should.  Cheryl Martin pointed out that without other funding, Bernie’s money would last approximately five years with the possibility of examining finances after three years to determine whether we could afford a minister.  A Minister Funding Task Force was set up with the following members:  Susan Marrant, Jay Teller, Rob Tanner and Greg Valentine with Susan convening the first meeting. Trey Hucks and Cheryl Martin offered to be available for consulting by the Minister Funding task force.


Kris Gabrielsen read the proposed by-laws changes and announced that voting will take place later in the year.  Patriciafaye pointed out that our Welcoming Community designation needs to be renewed annually and asked whether this should be included in the by-laws.  Kris stated it would be better to include this in the Policies and Procedures.  


Ken reported on the results of the meeting he and Stacy Martin held with Anne Lane regarding Senior Center rent.  Anne told them that the ten per cent increase in the rent for 2019-20 will stand and that the 25 per cent discount we have had since the beginning may go away in the future.  The Committee headed by Dominique Bjorlin is actively considering other options.


Susan announced that the proposed slate of officers for 2019-20 were all elected.  Kris explained that the By-laws cover the resignation of Board members during the year.  Since both Madeline Bishop and Joanne Douglas left the Board, they were replaced by Lewis Brown and Meghan O’Flaherty on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee and vote of the board.  Meghan resigned as Treasurer but remains on the Board as a Member at Large.  

The Business Meeting was adjourned at 1:10.

Beverly Halverson