Wednesday March 21st 2018


Present: Stephen Bjorlin, Joanne Douglas, Madeline Bishop, Bev Halverson, Meghan OÕFlaherty, Ken Moore

Not present Ð none

Guests: Kris Gabrielsen Ð Past Chair

1.     1)   Opening

2.     2)   Chalice lighting and Quorum determination - quorum was met.

i.       i)    B.  Agenda and last minutes approved - Motion to approve Ð 1st Bev, 2nd Meghan Ð All in favor..

ii.      ii)   D. Set date and time for new meeting 4/18/18  - 7 PM at BevÕs place - #328. 

 Old Business

i.      1.         Greg Valentine is temp chair for Worship Committee. Who are the Board liaisons?

a.     (a) Past Chair Ð Kris Gabrielsen

b.     (b) Religious Education Ð Stephen Bjorlin

c.     (c) Finance Ð Meghan OÕFlaherty

d.     (d) Membership Ð Ken Moore

e.     (e) Social Justice Ð Bev Halverson

f.      (f)  COSOM Ð Kris Gabrielsen

g.     (g) Worship Ð Madeline Bishop

h.     (h) Pledge Drive Chairs Ð Kris Gabrielsen and Phil Newman w/ Bev to follow up as necessary

i.       3)   Budget Report. New Request by Jisun.

b.     a)         It was decided that JisunÕs request needs to go to the Worship Committee and if approved they can then they can present to the Board and Finance committee and the same time. It was discussed that any committee that wants additional funds should go to the Finance committee and the Board at the same time.

c.     4)   April Pledge Drive Report

d.     a)         Plan is to make announcements beginning on the first Sunday of April with maybe a testimonial from Jay Nelson and then continue with a larger presentation on the following full service on the 15th along with music. An email will also be sent out to cover all of those that may have not been in attendance. And follow up will be done during the simplified services.

e.     b)         Celebration of BernieÕs bequest in June ? Stephen will talk to Dominique about getting this organized.

f.      5)   Report: Mission Statement Status

g.     a)         Ken is doing a workshop next simplified service to discuss the results of the online survey.

h.     6)   TracyÕs Workshop and Adult RE offerings. Tracy suggested a number of potential dates and times. We need to get feedback from the congregation regarding interest and feedback on potential date / time. Kris is putting together a survey to ask these questions.

New Business

a.     1)   NakotaÕs celebration service.

Tracy is holding a meeting on Wednesday to discuss a possible service.

a.     2)   Setting up Committees for:

b.     a)         Governance Ð Ken volunteered to take up this task once he concludes the Mission Statement process. He has already purchased some books to research.

c.     b)         Communications Ð The flowchart is ready to go. We also have a word doc that describes the tasks and responsibilities of the committees and assigned jobs. Ken had concerns about emails from the board to the congregation. He said one email was sent ith his name that he had not seen. He also brought up how best to proceed with using board member names in the signature if, in the future, there are to be emails from the board with which a minority of board members do not agree. In this case he suggested that rather than listing names the signature be, Ò The BoardÓ. Discussion was brief and open ended.

d.     c)         We did not have time to discuss

i.       i)    Garage sale or yearly pledge event

ii.      ii)   Ad Hoc committee for Gift Acceptance Policy

iii.     iii)   Consensus model

iv.    iv)  Clarifying roles of minister, congregation, committees and board

v.     v)   Updating policies and Procedures and Bylaws.

Submitted by Stephen Bjorlin 3/24/18