Wednesday February 7th 2018


Present: Stephen Bjorlin, Tracy Springberry, Joanne Douglas, Madeline Bishop, Bev Halverson, Meghan OÕFlaherty

Not present Ð Ken Moore attended via Skype

Guests: Phil Newman, Kris Gabrielsen

1 Opening

A.     A.     Chalice lighting and Quorum determination - quorum was met.

B.     B.     Approval of adding Madeline to the board. Motion to approve Ð 1st Stephen, 2nd Bev. All in favor

C.  Agenda was approved - Motion to approve Ð 1st Bev, 2nd Madeline Ð All in favor.  Approval of Minutes Ð 1st Stephen, 2nd Bev.

D. Set date and time for new meeting 3/21/18 at StephenÕs house

E. Open positions in board Ð Joanne asked if it was necessary to fill the last vacancy. Kris said it was not necessary and that we can leave a board position unfilled if desired.

F. COSM Additions Ð Addition of Jeannine Best was proposed by Tracy and Phil spoke in support of this recommendation.

G. Charter Revision Ð Phil thinks the charter needs to be revisited and revised with Tracy leaving. Motion to approve Ð 1st Bev, 2nd Meghan. All in favor.


  1. 2.              Ad Hoc Committee Discussion
    1. a.              A copy of the initial draft was discussed. This committee  would have the goal to center around creating a timeline for TracyÕs exit, her role and duties. A meeting was set up for 2/13/18 with the members of the Ad Hoc Committee to debate and come up with a final draft for the Board. The plan is to submit a final draft via email for review and discussion by the Board.

b.     3.              Draft Agenda for Feb 18th Business Meeting.

    1. a.              Kris presented a draft agenda for the business meeting. There was a lot of debate about what we want to accomplish during this meeting and what we have time to accomplish in a couple hours. Kris is working to take these suggestions and come up with a revised agenda for the meeting.

d.     4.              Committee Reports

    1. a.              TreasurerÕs Report Ð Because we were running short on time Meghan gave a brief report on our current financial situation and her projections for what we are doing to manage the shortage of funds. Bev volunteered to work with the Senior Center on their current charges and the recent raises that we have experienced.

i.  i.               Checking account balance - $12,904

ii.ii.              Savings account balance - $11,160

iii.                 iii.            Savings Growth account balance - $24,208

iv.                 iv.             Total Reserve Funds - $36,530

v. v.              Total Income for first quarter - $3711

vi.                 vi.             Total Expenses for first quarter - $4103

    1. b.              RE Committee Ð MichaelÕs resignation Ð The RE Committee is currently putting together a plan to divide up the responsibilities and make sure there are no holes with his leaving in a couple weeks. The eventual plan is to find a replacement but that process has not begun yet.

g.     5.              TracyÕs Report Ð Tracy said she worked 80 hours in January including BernieÕs funeral, workshops, womenÕs lunch, visiting sick members and recently resigned members of the Board.

Submitted by Stephen Bjorlin 2/17/18