Present: John Braun, The Rev. Tracy Springberry, Susie Godsey, Stephen Bjorlin, Marilyn MacGregor, Sandy Coates, Joanne Douglas, Meghan OÕFlaherty

1. Agenda was approved with additions. Minutes were approved. It was agreed to send minutes to Barb Valentine to put on the web page.

2. The next meeting will be at SandyÕs house on January 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm. John will no longer be able to attend on third Wednesdays, so we will need to work out another schedule.

3. Marilyn MacGregor and Susie Godsey both submitted their resignations to John, which will be effective January 7. They feel they can no longer represent the congregation because of the current strife. Given that it will be less than six months until their terms will expire, it will need to be determined whether to fill their positions or leave them vacant until the general meeting in May.

4. There was extensive discussion of the meeting that took place December 3. Some board members who attended were concerned regarding the negative feelings expressed by members of the congregation. There will be another meeting on January 7 to work on the vision statement and to work on rebuilding relationships. It will operate using the consensus model. Stephen agreed to be the liaison to the group planning the January meeting. The question arose as to whether a survey is needed now that there will be a meeting. It was not decided.

5. TreasurerÕs report: The checking account currently holds in excess of $10,000. This is in part because of members paying their pledges in a lump sum. Spending is currently slightly ahead of income, but in general we are within our budget at this time.

6. RE: A vote was taken to approve the new director for RE, Michael Harris. He was unanimously approved. The Littles teacher and the child care provider who were hired recently are both resigning. The RE committee is searching for applicants for these positions.

7. There is a regional meeting of UUA occurring in late April in Portland. It was suggested that UUFM could host a wine tasting event as a fundraising activity for the fellowship. Board members agreed that this would be an appropriate activity and suggested individuals who would be helpful in putting this together. Sandy will contact them.

8. Annual Report: Meghan has received the forms for our Annual Certification for UUA. Denise Patton has completed the Membership portion and Meghan has completed the Financials. Tracy and John will work together to complete the Questionnaire and Congregation Poll sections. The document is due Feb. 1.

Respectfully submitted

Sandy Coates