Wednesday August 16 , 2017


Present: John Braun, Tracy Springberry, Susie Godsey, Stephen Bjorlin, Marilyn MacGregor, Sandy Coates, Joanne Douglas, Meghan OÕFlaherty, Anna Barsotti, Beth Dell

1.  Going Deeper:  What is it you most deeply want from this congregation?

2.   Approval of agenda and minutes of the last meeting.

3.  The next meeting will be at SandyÕs house on 9/12/17 at 6:00 pm.

4.  TreasurerÕs report: Analysis of last yearÕs income reveals that we received 81.4% of pledges ($47,000) and $1200 in cash contributions.  Three families pledged but then didnÕt stay with the Fellowship and did not contribute their pledges.

       Last year we did not send out reminder notices regarding pledges.  Two committees overspent their budgets.  We thought we had enough left at the end of the year to contribute to GA attendance by members.

      This year $55804 was pledged for a $62,000 budget. We can plan to receive $1200 again in donations. Rachel leaving the DRE position will save us $1000 in salary. The Senior Center has raised rent by 13%.  This yearÕs budget does not include enough money to meet all the needs of the Committee on Ministry. 

      We need to consider a moving to a different space since we are spending over $1000 per month for a few hours of occupancy. This is a long term plan, but wonÕt solve this yearÕs budget problem. Cooperative ministries is interesting but has drawbacks. Joann will look at the possibility of one of the upstairs rooms.

5.   Committee Reports:  Worship and Membership have not met.  RE will be separate item.

6.  TracyÕs Contract:  A list of duties were provided.  They require more than a quarter time position allows. For example, there is no time for a community presence.  UU 101 can be done by lay leadership.  Committee work will be limited to COSM, the Board and the worship committee.

      John wrote a short contract after Tracy was approved by the congregation.  The final list of duties will be attached to the contract. The list may be adjusted after the meeting with Sarah, the representative of Western Regional UU.

7.   Hearing Assists:  Is there a bluetooth way of providing this service without spending a lot of money? If we need to spend money, we should take it from savings, itÕs too important to ignore.  


8.   The checking account needs to shift to have Marilyn on the list.  The required parties will meet at the bank on Friday 7/18.

9.   The Sept 3 service at Wortman Park is set.  It will be the Water Communion. We have the pavilion reserved for the whole day.  We should have a potluck after the service.

10.  Results of calls to other UU fellowships:

      John called Blaine, WA.  TheyÕve had a quarter time minister for 30 years.  They have automatic renewal of the minister.  They have a rigorous seach process.  TheyÕve had 3 ministers over the years.

      Marilyn called Astoria, OR.  The board makes the decision regarding renewal.  the board or the minister would make the decision in March to not return the following year. There is no congregational vote. The minister noted that a congregational vote would be very stressful for the minister.

      Joann called another congregation.  The elected board renews the contract.

      Tracy commented that voting would interfere with ministry, since the minister would stay on for six months after being voted against. It was agreed that John will write a letter to 9th Fellowship regarding the problems with a congregational vote. The concerns will be included in the meeting on 9/17 with Sarah.

11. Replacing Rachel as DRE: The RE will be meeting next week and will put out an advertisement.  Rachel just received a raise, in money and time.  The new person will get $13.50 /hour for 24 hours. He or she may be hired for extra time for summer child care. Susie moved and Meghan seconded to authorize hiring a new DRE.  Unanimous approval.

12.  Board training in Salem on 9/9/17 from 10-4.  All are planning to attend except Steven and Meghan.

Respectfully submitted

Sandy Coates