Wednesday April 19th


Present: John Braun, Stephen Bjorlin, Marilyn MacGregor, Sandy Coates, Kathleen McKinney, Denise Patton, Joanne Douglas, Susie Godsey and the Rev. Tracy Springberry

  1. 1.              Opening Discussion – Going Deeper – We discussed things that had changed this Spring.

2. Opening of Meeting @ 7 PM

                  A. Chalice lighting

                  B. Quorum determination – quorum met.

                  C. Agenda approved. Motion to approve – moved by Susie, 2nd Sandy – All in favor.

                  D. Minutes of previous meeting approved.

                  Date and place of next meeting – Wednesday May 10th @ John BraunÕs – 7 PM 

  1. 2.              Survey Results – discussion, consequences, the way forward

There was not a singular reason why some members may not have been happy. Criticisms were diverse and seemed to reflect individual desires and views.

Is this because we lack a common set of goals? John asked if we need to work on a mission statement. Tracy suggested that we read the book Holy Conversations. It is written for more traditional American congregations but she thinks we can find parallels.

Should we do a Committee Fair? A chart of committees and how they interrelate is something that the Committee on Shared Ministries is working on and that may help people direct their concerns.

A.     A.     Renewal of TracyÕs Contract – The Committee of Past Chairs has been asked to work on a better procedure for next year, preferably one without the tensions of doing a survey.

1.     1.     Motion to renew the contract for another year – moved by Susie, 2nd Marilyn – All in favor.

  1. 3.              TracyÕs Report – In addition to her two worship services, Tracy met with several people. With Rachel (DRE) she discussed the TAO group and the use of the Tapestry of Faith program to provide a solid plan and goal. Visits by the TAO group with the Salem youth group have gone well, as did the first of the TAO movie nights at BernieÕs. Tracy also attended meetings of the Worship and Membership Committees as well as a WomenÕs Lunch.

Susie will look into opportunities for TAO participation in the interfaith work on immigration issues being organized by Sally Godard and Unidos.

4. TreasurerÕs Report – 25 people returned pledges so far for our pledge drive. We need to better explain that                   this budget is aspirational and so requires a higher level of giving.

5. Planning for Annual Meeting – 5/21

A. Election of Officers – the question was asked if we can nominate from the floor – the Bylaws permit nominations from the floor for the at-large Board positions but not for Board officers.

6. Planning for 10th Anniversary Celebration – at Judy SpinnerÕs House

                  A. Issues raised included renting a tent in case of poor weather; kidÕs activities in a nearby park; and                   entertainment

                  B. Making sure the ÒfoundersÓ can attend is important but the focus should be on all the members who                   joined in 2007.

                  C. Three dates in June were proposed [later June 17, 4—7 p.m. was decided upon].

7. Old Business

A. Committee Reports – Worship Committee is absent a chairman – it has been decided that they will rotate the duties with the thought that Madeline may want to return. 

Membership Committee – is looking for someone to put up the signs to notify the public of services.

B. Hearing Assists – Still waiting for Eric to get these fixed. Can we purchase new? Stephen offered to talk to Ted about any options that he may be aware of.

8. New Business

A. Subsidies for GA – There is potentially $1500 available. The board put in $380 and RE has $280 and Social Justice $500. But we need to ask these committees if we can have this money for this purpose.

9. Meeting adjourned by John Braun at 8:50 PM



Submitted by Stephen Bjorlin 4/29/17