Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of McMinnville

Minutes of Annual Meeting

May 17, 2015


The meeting was held in the McMinnville Senior Center from 12:30 to 1:30. There were 29 people present, 27 members and 2 friends of UUFM. This represents a quorum. Kathleen McKinney, current board President, presided.


I. Elections for  2015-2016


Bernie McGinnis, Nominating Committee Chair,

á      thanked the present board, and named the retiring members.  They are:  Jay Teller, Greg Valentine, Madeline Bishop, Kathleen.  Nakota Ashstarte is retiring as past board chair.

á      named the members nominated for board positions.  They are:  Susie Godsey, Phoebe Newman, John Braun, Kathleen McKinney.

á      named the members nominated for the nominating committee.  Greg Valentine, Madeline Bishop, Brian DeMarco Alternates are:  Susan Teller,  Patriciafaye Marshall.

By secret ballot, all of the nominated members were elected to the board, unanimously.


II. Search committee report

Chair Barbara Valentine reviewed for the members the position description, (1/4 time consulting minister for a one-year commitment),  the time frame of the search (position closing on May 30)  and the methodology of the search committee (PNWD staff vet the applicants, our committee does one-on-one interview, presents the choice to our board.)

á      There have been three applications forwarded to us by the PNWD.  They remain confidential. 

á      One name will be submitted to the board, who wlll vote on the choice.  If no applicant meets our criteria, the board may vote to open the search again,

á      Kate offered her home on an occasional basis if the new pastor wishes to stay overnight.


III.Other Committee reports.

á      The Quilting Committee (members: Nancy Braun and Cheryl Martin) has retired.

á      Barb Valentine, our webmaster,  needs members to contact her to update the membership data about individual committees.

á      The Social Action Committee (Patriciafaye Marshall) reported on what the committee does.  It is presently working on homelessness and bridging with the Hispanic community.

á      Religious Education (Dominique Bjorlin) reported that we are not in compliance with our own ByLaws because we do not always have two adults present in our RE Sunday classes.  We may need to hire some teachers during the next fiscal year or recruit more volunteers. The Simplified Service usually does not include many children. Do we want to hire for this?  Next year we will have twelve Middles and Littles and five TAOs only.  Should we combine TAO I and TAO II?

á      Finance Committee (Barb Roush) This committee needs one more member.


IV.  Budget Approval (2015-2016)

á      Amount pledged for next yearÕs budget = $32,962.  (We have $34,00 saved from last year which we can use, if necessary.) The budget for 2014-2015 was $33,6301.

á      A suggestion was made that we allot more money to the membership committee to encourage growth. 

á      Bernie explained that three things benefit growth:  1) quality of our services  2) religious education for kids  3) social justice outreach in the community.  

á      Another member pointed out that our Simplified Services have provided continuity and attracted new members.

á      Kris moved to OK budget as preset.  Pam Bergen seconded.  The Budget passed with 26 voting members and 1 abstention.



Minutes prepared by Susie Godsey and Madeline Bishop