April 9,  2015


Present:  Kathleen McKinney (Chair), Denise Patton, Vicky Wilbanks, Madeline Bishop, Wendell Kringen,  Greg  Valentine 


1.       Opening


a.  Chalice Lighting - by  Kathleen

b.  Covenant read - by all

c.   Quorum - It was determined we had a quorum

d.  The meeting was called to order.

e.       The agenda was approved as presented.  

f.        The March minutes were approved as submitted.


2.  Continuing Business


a.       TreasurerÕs Report


      There were several questions regarding the TreasurerÕs Report, and  Jay was not present, but after discussion, all questions seemed to be answered.

      The fund for speakers seems to be adequate  for the rest of the year, and the allowance for extra room time is good.  Denise noted that she will be buying two purple tablecloths for the Hospitality Committee before the end of June.  A motion was carried to adopt the TreasurerÕs Report.

      Annual Pledge Campaign - The pledge drive for this campaign appears to be $10K short.  Calls will be made to those members who do not have their pledges in.

      Minister Pledge Drive - Kathleen will ask Jay to send out an email on May 1st asking those members who have not sent in their pledges to please do so by the end of May.


b.   Committee Reports


      Social Action Committee -  Kathleen reported the Social Action Committee  has been trying to adopt a Mission Statement.  They have also trimmed down the list of participants on this committee, removing the names of those people who never attend.  They now have  12 active members.

       Worship Committee - Madeline reported  this committee wants to know if we desire a flower service again this year.  The Board  said yes..

      Policy and Procedures review .

      All agreed Greg had done a wonderful job with his review.  Kathleen reviewed  GregÕs update thoroughly, and made some comments.  Greg pointed out that lots of areas still need to be revisited by the next board.  He said it is a Òwork in progress.Ó

      A motion was made and carried to adopt the revised Policy and Procedures manual.



c    Scholarships for General Assembly.

      Five adults and one minor have applied for scholarships.  The amount to be covered for registration is $1425, and for lodging approximately $900.

      We discussed cutting checks for membership, and announcing we will cover up to $80 per night for lodging. Delegates should receive total reimbursement.  Other applicants should submit receipts, and we will dispense funds based on what is remaining.  Two applicants have applied for GA scholarships, which should help our funding.

d.   Next Steps on Minister plan

      The Search Committee will be ready to submit  resume(s) of their candidate(s) of choice by the June board meeting.  This means that the new board will be choosing the minister.

e. Delegates to GA - need another delegate, possibly a board member?        

      The pros and cons of being a delegate were discussed.  The board did not get another delegate.

f.  Changes to bylaws - how we choose officers

      Kathleen has discussed how we choose officers  with others who have been involved in the past.  Apparently suggestions to change the method of choosing officers was  discussed in the past, but nothing was changed.  Any changes would mean a change to the Bylaws, This does not seem a priority right now, as there are too many things on the agenda for the June business meeting.

g    Strategic Plan - Where do we go from here?

      Kathleen had no response  from the announcement she made at the last service asking for volunteers to work on the Strategic Plan.  Madeline agreed to work on the plan when she leaves the board..  Kathleen said a congregant noted that the plan is well aligned with the survey results. 


3.   New Business

a. Business Meeting May 17th.

      Election of board members and nominating committee.

      Adopt budget

      Search Committee report

b.   Nominating Committee Status

      There are four candidates for board vacancies.


4.   Announcements -  None


5. Next meeting, May 13th, at 6:00 pm , 709 NW Cedar, McMinnville. (DeniseÕs home.)

6.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.                 Respectfully submitted by Vicky Wilbanks