March 11, 2015


Present:  Kathleen McKinney (Chair), Denise Patton, Vicky Wilbanks, Jay Teller, Madeline Bishop, Wendell Kringen,  Greg  Valentine  Nakota Ashstarte (Past Chair)


1.       Opening


a.  Chalice Lighting - by  Nakota

b.  Covenant read - by all

c.   Quorum - It was determined we had a quorum

d.  The meeting was called to order.

e.       The agenda was approved as presented.  

f.        The February minutes were approved as submitted.

g.   November and February Business Meeting Minutes were approved.



2.  Continuing Business


a.       Treasurer’s Report


      There were several questions regarding the Treasurer’s Report, but all questions were answered satisfactorily.

      The Finance budget was reviewed, and it was agreed to increase the Social Action budget to $1,000.  It was also agreed to increase the Hospitality budget by $50.

      Regarding the Cares and Concerns budget, Nakota said she intends to request funds for a related training in Salem.  


b.   Committee Reports

      Membership Committee  - Vicky reported that the Membership Committee had worked hard on their section of the Policy and Procedures manual at their meeting on March 10th.  It is now complete, and will be given to Greg for inclusion in the manual.  Denise reported two new members joined at the March 1st service, changing the membership count to 56.

      Social Action Committee - Kathleen reported she had agreed to Co-Chair with Beth Dell on this committee.

      Worship Committee - Madeline reported  Nancy Braun has agreed to be the coordinator of the Simplified Services.


c.   Action items from retreat

(I)  Committee “fair”.

      On March 15th, both Cares and Concerns and Hospitality will be spotlighted during the service, giving them an opportunity recognize their volunteers. 



d.   Policy and Procedures review .

      Kathleen reported her research revealed that any changes made in the Policy and Procedures Manual can be approved by the Board and does not need to be approved by the Fellowship.  Consequently, she would like to see the updated manual adopted in April, since revisions are well underway.


e.   Scholarships for General Assembly and Volunteer Work

      Kathleen reported two adults and a family have applied for scholarships. It was decided that the $900 we have will not go very far, and we should ask for an additional $2,100 to make $3,000 available for scholarships.  The cutoff date to apply will be April 20th. In addition to our scholarship fund, General Assembly is also offering scholarships.


f.    Next Steps on Minister plan

      A Chair is needed for the search committee.  Barbara Valentine has agreed to be Chair, and she is excited to be the 5th member of the search committee.     A packet will be compiled for prospective applicants.  Kathleen said she has been told several people are interested.

g. Chalice Lighter    

      Madeline discussed the Chalice Lighter program, saying that we need to have 30% of the membership involved to be eligible for a grant, which we have.  Vicky agreed to be a Chalice Lighter, so that we are sure to have our quota, taking into consideration that we now have two new members, increasing the total membership, which affects the ratio.

      We need to develop a growth plan, and board members talked about the Strategic Plan in existence. Wendall, Jay, Denise agreed to continue to work on this, and in addition Kathleen will ask the Fellowship for additional members.

      Madeline noted that Pacific Northwest Growth Fund is another source of money but is not a grant but a low interest loan.




3.   New Business


a.  Elwyn’s proposal - Music Director

 Responsible to Board

Work with Worship Committee

Develop music leadership team

Choose appropriate music

Organize and conduct rehearsals

Pro Bono for immediate future to help grow UUFM

      The Board referred this proposal to the Worship/Music Committee.

b.   Delegates to General Assembly

      Nakota agreed to be a delegate.

c.   Changes to Bylaws

      Kathleen has been checking with other churches to see how they deal with the election of officers.  She says the current method is cumbersome and may not always produce the desired skill set required for a position.


4.   Announcements -  None


5. Next meeting, April 9th, at 6:00 pm , 709 NW Cedar, McMinnville. (Denise’s home.)


6.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.                    Respectfully submitted by Vicky Wilbanks