AUGUST 20, 2014


Members Present:  Kathleen McKinney, Madeline Bishop, Vicky Wilbanks,

Denise Patton,  Greg  Valentine, Jay Teller,  Nakota Ashstarte  (Past Chair)




Board Meeting opened at 6 p.m.  at Kathleen’s  home.


After Chalice lighting, Covenant was read by all, it was determined we had a quorum, and the meeting was called to order.  The agenda was approved, with an addition under “Announcements” to discuss  the Aug. 17th service.  July 9th minutes were approved.



Continuing business


a.  Treasurer’s Report - End of year and monthly

Jay reviewed the Treasurer’s Report, but due to his absence in July, a report was still needed for the end of the Fiscal year.  Jay agreed to do this.  (Jay sent sent this on Aug.21st.)


b.  Audit of Books follow-up

Jay reported the audit done by the audit committee went well.  Everybody stayed within their budgets. Some conversation occurred about wanting funds more clearly allocated.  A motion was passed by the Board to keep the Savings Account the same as it is, but rename it Savings Growth Fund.  Further discussion occurred about how to utilize the Judy Spinner donation of $500.  Suggestions were made to buy articles to be used for services, pulpit etc., or to add the money to the Minister fund.   It was also suggested that the task of deciding should be given to the Worship Committee, but in the end the board wanted to wait until Judy was asked for her input before more action was taken.


c.  Transfer of records to Vicky

Records were successfully transferred. 


d.  Committee reports  - only if important

Visioning Group - Madeline reported that some members of the Visioning Group wanted to postpone taking further action on the mission statement. . Otis would like to have input.  It was mentioned that something should be included about Social Justice.  The committee will report back in September.

Worship Committee - Madeline reported that an outline for Simple Services has been completed for the entire year.  Thea Evanstad will be the coordinator for all the services.


e.  RE Coordinator position recommendations -Dominique Bjorlin, discuss supervision

Kathleen was assured that fingerprinting and background checks have been completed, and that Dominique Bjorlin had been recommended for the position of RE Coordinator. A motion was unanimously approved  for  a point  person on the RE Committee to be responsible for the supervision of the  RE Coordinator (Dominique Bjorlin), with the support of the remaining members of the committee. 

f.  Proposed Bylaw changes (from previous meeting)

Discussion took place on what constitutes a bylaw change?   The fact that extra time has been added on to services without prior planning was discussed.    In response to Kathleen’s request for somebody to search the Policies and Procedures to see if there was anything about submitting proposals to the board to use extra time, Greg agreed to do the search.  Greg also plans to talk with Brian (former board member and lawyer) to get clarification on why there needs to be a change in the bylaws.  The discussion on change of bylaws will be tabled until the next meeting, and until after this conversation has occurred.  Jay was also asked if money is earmarked for lawyers in the budget.  He said there is money, in addition to any money provided through our insurance.

g.  Discuss board retreat

Kathleen shared  with members the work she has  done towards the planning of the board retreat which will take place August 23, 2014 from 1 - 5 pm at Co-op Ministries.  The facilitator is Robert Schiff, who comes highly recommended  by Rick  Davis.  Snacks will be provided by members. 


3.  New Business


a.  New Littles teacher recommendation - Sarah Tellekon

A motion was approved to recommend Sarah Tellekon for Littles teacher. Kathleen will let Eric know of the board’s approval.

b.  Recommendation for new celebrants - Elwyn, Anna Barsotti, Kathy Beckwith, Jamie Corff, Thea Evenstad, Shantee Frisbee, Justin Jenks, and Suzanne Teller.

A motion was approved to accept all of the above candidates as prospective new celebrants.  Kathleen will let Patriciafaye know of the board’s approval.

c.  Discovery Day in Bellevue, WN - 9/26

The Discovery Day event, put on by the NW Region in Bellevue, WN promises to be very informative and interesting, and it was hoped that some members of our fellowship could attend.  However, the location makes our attendance a more difficult proposition.


4.  Announcements


Madeline talked about the service on Sunday August 17th, with speaker Susan Maginn Madeline said she has been receiving requests from some members of the fellowship for more spiritual content in the services.  It was agreed that Susan fulfilled this requirement, and her service was very well received, and approved by all board members.


5.  Next agenda, meeting date and location

Meeting date and location of next meeting to be decided.

6.  Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm