JULY 29 2014


Members Present:  Kathleen McKinney, Madeline Bishop, Jay Teller, Greg  Valentine, Denise Patton, Wendell Kringen, Nakota Ashstarke  (electronic meeting via email)

Members Absent: Vicky Wilbanks





Last spring, since we did not have enough in pledges to have a balanced budget and because Harry, the RE Coordinator at the time, was not taking a salary, the finance committee removed the $3,600 from that line item. The fellowship approved the budget without that amount. Since Harry left, we are faced with needing to put that $3,600 back into the budget. There was enough surplus left from last year that we have the funds to put the $3,600 back. The amount for the salary is the same as last year.


Two possible solutions:


1) We could do an amended budget to put the $3,600 back into that line item. Since it is over $1,000, according to the bylaws, we would need to put it to a vote of the fellowship. If the board passes this, we could get an email announcement out to the fellowship, letting everyone know there will be a short business meeting after our next service on August 17th.


2) We could leave $3,600 of the surplus in checking for the year to cover the salary. This is what was done last year with $2,000, when we hired a bookkeeper, to avoid having to amend the budget. If the board passes this instead, we would not have to have a business meeting.


Wendell moved (and said he would vote for) Option #2.


Madeline seconded the motion.


At this point Kathleen wanted to wait and see if there was a quorum for the meeting, which would be four people.


Denise came forward and voted for Option #2, and gave her reasons, as follows:-

ÒTaking a budget change to the membership would be time consuming and might make it difficult to have a director in place at the beginning of September which is desirable.


Since using funds directly out of checking instead of changing the budget was done last year with the bookkeeper, we have precedence.


The membership has entrusted us with the responsibility of conducting fellowship business.  I think we need to make as many of these decisions as possible.Ó


Jay voted for Option #2, and gave his reasons as follows:-


I was also part of the finance meeting last night, and understand both options, either option is understandable.  We did state that this amount was removed from the voted on budget proposal.  We did announce that we were hiring for this position.  LetÕs just add it from the checking account.  I vote for option #2.


Greg voted for Option #2.  His reasons were as follows:-


ÒIÕll vote to keep the money in checking, because I think weÕve had our budget/business meeting, and I agree we have been charged with making these decisions.  However, IÕll voice the obvious reservation IÕm sure we all feel, that precedent or no, the budget ought to reflect our financial transactions as transparently as possible. Ò



Nakota, although not eligible to vote, gave an opinion as follows:-


ÒMy opinion goes with most of the board as I believe to keep it simple if at all possible.

However, I do have a question for Wendell, and the rest of the ChildrenÕs RE Committee.   Harry used to say that he did not want to be Òdouble dippingÓ as he saw that he was really doing the CoordinatorÕs position while he was teaching the UUFMÕs Littles.  I would really like to know what the RE Committee would answer to that question.Ó


Madeline voted for Option #2.


Kathleen said that we had a quorum and outside of Vicky, who was out of town, the motion carried unanimously.


Kathleen also added that she had received a phone call from Nancy Braun, from the hiring committee, with a recommendation for the RE Coordinator position. She will bring it to next board meeting.  There were two highly qualified applicants and it was not easy to choose. Kathleen left a message for her saying that the board does want to be sure that person has gone through a background check and fingerprinting.


The meeting was adjourned