JULY 9TH,  2014


Members Present:  Kathleen McKinney, Madeline Bishop, Vicky Wilbanks, 

                                 Greg  Valentine, Wendell Kringen,                                Nakota Ashstarte  (past chair)

Absent: Denise Patton, Jay Teller




1.   Opening


a.  Chalice lighting




Chalice lighting by Kathleen.

b.   Covenant reading

All members read covenant, Kathleen read an inspirational verse.

c.  Quorum determination

It was determined we had a quorum, although two members were absent.

d.  Call to order

Meeting was called to order.

e.  Approval of 6/16/14 and 25-26/14


Both minutes were approved with two minor wording minor changes, Vicky will do.


2.  Continuing business


a.  TreasurerÕs report




Treasurer was absent,  it was determined that there would be two reports at the August meeting.

b.  Audit of Books follow-up

Two people have been chosen to audit books.

c.  Check signing changes

This process has been completed.

d.  Transfer of records to Vicky

Not done yet, but will be done before next meeting.

e.  Committee reports - only if important

Madeline reported the Worship Committee has decided upon special music.  They will try this for a while and then evaluate whether or not to continue.

f.  RE Coordinator Position - advertising if we need more/better candidates.

Much discussion surfaced on this issue.  The merit of advertising outside the UU community was discussed at great  length. Not everybody was in agreement  It was pointed out that ultimately  the hiring of a Coordinator is the RE CommitteeÕs responsibility with Board endorsement.  In  conclusion, it was decided that Wendell should follow up of the RE CommitteeÔs progress, and then further action will be taken if necessary.

g.  Proposed Bylaw  changes (from previous meeting)

Considerable discussion surfaced on this item, especially about any proposed changes to be made to item 6.5, which would be a  substantive change.  Members were asked to  think about this and it was decided to table the item until the next meeting.

h.  Board Retreat

Kathleen  talked about her research, and read a list of subjects  covered  in previous board retreats. 

Some ideas to include in the retreat were as follows:-

Ÿ  Ask others with ideas to attend and present.

Ÿ  Talk about next steps, which would include a review of the Vision and Mission statement, which was never finished.  Madeline suggested contacting that committee and suggest they meet again.

Ÿ  Team building.


Kathleen stated she does not want total responsibility for setting the retreat agenda, she needs  help.  She will use ÒMeeting WizardÓ to help with setting a retreat date.


3.  New Business


a.  General Assembly in Portland



The Board thought this event presented a good opportunity for our fellowship to explore ways to participate.  Kathleen will announce this at the next service on the 20th, and encourage people to volunteer and/or find ways to participate together.

4.  Announcements

Madeline announced that the next service will consist of poetry readings. Kathleen  asked to be added to the list of UU participants who will be reading.

5.  Next Agenda

Ÿ  Bylaw changes

Ÿ  TreasurerÕs Report (end of year and monthly)

Ÿ  Board Retreat

Ÿ  RE Committee report - Wendell

Ÿ  Vision and Mission report


Next Meeting:  August 20th,  6:00 pm

Home of Kathleen, 2160 NE Village Court.

6.  Meeting was adjourned at approx. 8:00 pm.