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Regular Board of Directors Meeting of UUFM

 Monday, October 14, 2013

6:00 PM



        1. Opening of Meeting:

a.  Chalice Lighting and Reading – Nakota, Board President

b.  Covenant Reading – Genevieve & Board

c. Quorum Determination :  Yes,  Members present: Nakota Ashtarte, Madeline Bishop, Brian DeMarco, Kathleen McKinney, Greg Valentine, Genevieve Woodward.  Absent:  Ken Moore Jay Teller

                      d. Meeting Called to Order : 6:05

e. Choosing a Recorder for Board Meeting :  Madeline will take notes and will send out minutes for this meeting.  

f. Approval of Agenda: Ò Length of meetingÓ added to other agenda items in New Business.


        2. September 2013 Minutes: Approved


3.   Continuing Business Updates:


A.TreasurerÕs Report: Copies of budget report for September were distributed. Discussion was tabled until Treasurer is in attendance at next monthÕs meeting.


B. Election of Board Secretary
:   Nakota read bylaws about the position of Secretary.    Secretary must keep physical records, not only of the board but of the Fellowship.  Kathleen pointed out that the one recording the minutes is at a disadvantage in discussions. After discussion, Kathleen volunteered to serve as Secretary if she does not have to take minutes. Brian moved that we choose Kathleen as our Secretary. Seconded and passed.  Next meeting, we will use technology to record the meeting, and someone will transcribe the minutes to be given to Kathleen.  Greg Valentine volunteered to bring a recording device for the center of the table.


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         C.  Committee Reports : 


 Worship – Greg. reported that there were three people present at the last meeting. On November 7, Rick Davis is willing to conduct a child dedication,  but the worship committee feels that the spring is a more desirable time. Greg reminded us that the Salem Choir will come with Rick on Nov. 7



Cares & Concerns – Genevieve  reports that Eric Gabrielsen and his family have been the main focus of this committee this month.


 Social Action – Kathleen read an email from Beth Dell reporting on this committee.  They have made a $350 allocation for a workshop lead by Paul Cienfuegos in February  and $200 for a book study group being organized by Ken Moore and Jolynn Moore under Adult Education. The committee also approved involvement in CWISH which is an organization finding shelter for the homeless during the winter months. Also, Ken Moore, Patricia-Faye Marshall, Beth Dell and Kathleen McKinney will attend an area-wide UU Social Action meeting to be held in Eugene on October 19.


ChildrenÕs Religious Education – Genevieve.  Nancy Braun has reported that the OWL curriculum is going well.  Ted de Chatelet and  Nancy meet on Wednesday nights to prepare each lesson. Genevieve reminded us that information about the curriculum is available online.



 Adult Religious Education – Ken  (was not present to report.)


 Long Term Facility – Nakota: There have been no recent meetings.


                           Membership – Ken: No report.


                       Finance – Jay:  No Report



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Senior Center Contact – Kathleen : Our contract extends until the end of June, 2014.  We are regularly paying each month. Kathleen will go to the bank to get permission to sign checks as the new secretary.


       Consensus Model – Brian & Ken. Report and discussion tabled          until next time when Ken is able to be present.


Vision Committee – Madeline: Members are: Madeline, Ken, Nakota, Barbara Valentine, Suzanne Teller. A meeting will be scheduled in the next two weeks.


OWL – Genevieve mentioned that according to Nancy Braun, it is    going well.  


Employment Agreement – Brian: Brian had three essential questions which were answered as we went along.


1) Who are the people we are employing?

Answer: Monthly employees are Buffy, our bookkeeper, and Harry Lunn, our RE director.   We also pay temporary employees, such as our pianist and childcare workers after they perform intermittent services.

-Brian will send an email to board members explaining the pros and cons of employing our monthly employees as independent contractors or regular employees of our Fellowship.  We will probably vote our preference by email, too.


2) Who has the original applications of these two employees?

Answer:  Various people are holding documents used in the interview process and background checks.

-We decided that there should be a dossier for each of the monthly employees and verification of background checks.  Brian will compile all of these records and Kathleen will store them, as secretary.


3) Did Buffy sign a contract to provide service and is it  adequate to describe our relationship with her?  Answer:  The Contract, as written, needs to be more complete.

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-We need new employment agreements for both employees and we need to keep a permanent dossier on each one. We will require and pay for new background checks, even fingerprinting.  Brian will draft more complete work agreements.  He will report at the next meeting.




4. New Business:  McMinnville Interfaith Organization for Peace and Justice.  Phil Newman, who has in the past represented us on this local committee, is resigning.  We need a replacement.   Nakota will consider being on this committee.


5. Other Agenda Items: Evaluation of the time we spend discussing our agenda items. Most reports and agenda items only require time for board approval.  We will have in-depth discussions when the topic warrants.



   6. Announcements:  None



    7. Board Retreat, on 10-26-13 at WoodardÕs Garden Center. 

     Time: 10:00-1:00. We should bring something for a brunch.


8. Date, Time and Place of next Board Meeting will be November 18th at GenevieveÕs.   We scheduled December meeting: December 16.


Adjournment at 7:15.