UUFM Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, August 5, 2013

Present:  Ken Moore, Kathleen McKinney, Genevieve Woodward, Nakota Ashstarte, Jay Teller, Janet Erskine, Madeline Bishop

Absent:  Brian Demarco

1.       Opening of Meeting: 

a.       Opening invocation:  Reading of covenant led by Genevieve; Chalice lighting by Nakota.

b.      Meeting called to order at 6:34 pm.

c.       Determination of Quorum:  Quorum is met

d.      Approval of agenda: Approved with one addition to find a liaison for Long Term Facility Committee.


2.       Approval July 2013 minutes:  Kathleen moved and Genevieve seconded approval of minutes.  All in agreement.  Board minutes are available on UUFM website.  UUFM members are welcome to attend board meetings.


3.       Continuing business updates:

A.  Treasurer’s Report (Jay):  Total Income=$9742.50.  Total Expenses= $1430.38.  Bank balance as of 7/31/13= $23,200.20.  Total dedicated funds=$5,582.13.  Available cash= $17,618.07.  Reserve funds= $23,492.02.  Jay will find two previous signers (Kris, Phil, Barb) to cash out both CDs and place money in Long Term Facilities fund by August 9, 2013. 

Budget (Actual Report):  Hard Copy for the month of July 2013 was provided by Jay.  See Finance Committee Report for August 2013.

Report (Bookkeeper/Treasurer Function):  There is no line item for our new bookkeeper.  Budget must be amended to correct this.  Jay will set a date with the Finance Committee to investigate this issue and discuss any other budget changes.

B.  New Check Signers:  Janet is now a signature.  All new check signers are registered with First Federal.  Check signers include:  Jay, Nakota, Genevieve, and Janet. 

C.  Judy Spinner’s Donation:   Donation of $1600 to be used as follows:  $1000 to Nonviolent Communication and $600 to Unidos.  Ken will raise the question as to how to use the funds allotted for Nonviolent Communication with the adult RE committee (for example, workbooks or speakers).  Decisions will be presented to the board for final approval.  

Unidos is not nonprofit yet.  As a result, they can receive money through McMinnville Cooperative Ministries but not directly from UUFM.  As a result, the $600 donation can either remain in the general fund until Unidos receives nonprofit status or the donation can go back to Judy so she can donate it directly to Unidos.  Ken and Kathleen will speak with Judy to determine what she thinks is best before the next board meeting. 

The board unanimously agreed that Jay will write a thank you letter to Judy Spinner for her $1600 donation.

D.  Committee Reports:

Worship Committee (Janet):  New speaker coordinators are Madeline Bishop and Janet Rinard.  Nakota transitioned off.   

      Cares and Concerns (Genevieve):  No report

Finance (Jay):  $4900 surplus for 2012-13 year.  The Finance Committee will meet to discuss reasons for the surplus and if the surplus is tightened for the 2013-14.

Children’s Religious Education (Genevieve):  Our Native American theme is the summer theme.  OWL curriculum will be implemented for grades 4-6 and 7-10.

Long Term Facility Committee (Ken is moving off as liaison):  Kathleen volunteered to act as new liaison.

Adult RE (Ken):  Janet motioned for Ken to ask a variety of members to join the adult religious education committee. Genevieve seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

      Social Action (Kathleen):  Nothing to report.

      Senior Center Contact (Kathleen):  See new business 4a. 

      Membership (Ken):  Nothing to report.

E.  Long Term Facility /Board Report to Fellowship:   We need a liaison and will discuss possibilities at the next board meeting.

F.  Simple Selection Criteria for UUFM Projects Requesting Funds:  Nothing to report at this time.

G.  Piano:  Piano tuning cost $115.  Funds will come from the board misc. fund.

H.  Board Meetings Place and Food (Genevieve):  Genevieve made a motion for everyone to bring their own dinner to board meetings while the hostess provides drinks (hostess choice and serving water is fine).  Kathleen seconded the motion.  Motion passed with 6 in favor and Nakota dissenting. 

4.  New Business

      A.  Senior Center Rent Increase (Kathleen):  Kathleen asked and received a slight rate reduction from the previous quote.   Starting September 15, $317.50 is the amended rate compared to. $230.75.  This is a difference of $86.75.  While this rate is considerably lower than those offered to the general public, the rate can go up since we are paying month-to-month.  The long-term planning committee will discuss different facility options, if any. 

      B.  Consensus Model:  Vision Committee (Ken, Nakota, Madeline, Janet, and others as Ken asks others to join):  Ken is ready to try a trial run with the draft #8 of the Consensus Model.  Ken will ask the congregation if there are volunteers to join the Vision Committee which will meet after the Board Retreat. 

C.  Our Whole Lives (OWL) and All Committees:  Liaisons will communicate with committee members complete, detailed reports of what is occurring in their meetings. 


D.  Date, time, place of next board meeting:  Monday, September 16, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. at Madeline’s house.

      E.  Date, time, place, and subject of September board retreat:  Possible subject(s) include:  finding ways to increase membership (we have a committee for this).  Are we visible in the community?  We already have strategies for peak experiences and follow-up, but we must find ways to get people here.  We need a focused subject. 

Emerging congregations in UU has literature to use a resource for guidance to focus our energies.  Janet will investigate grants (Chalice Lighters, for example) for funding and focus. Jay will investigate possible ideas for templates for retreat and will email his results.

We will reopen possible subjects for the retreat at a later time.

Get to know you activities at retreat.

September 14, 2013:  Garden Center a few miles out of Yamhill.

5.  Announcements:  No announcements.

6.  Adjourn:  Meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.