Monday, March 11, 2013


Present: Nakota Ashstarte, Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Genevieve Woodard, Ken Moore, Phil Newman

Absent: Brian DeMarco


1.  Opening of meeting 6:11pm

          a. Opening invocation-Chalice lighting, Nakota read from Richard Rohr from Weight of Shadows and T.S. Elliot regarding times continuum.

          b. Meeting is called to order

          c. Determination of Quorum-quorum is met.

          d. Approval of agenda-all approve


2.  Approval of Minutes for February 11, 2013 Board meeting-minutes are accepted as corrected with no objections.


3.   Continuing Business Updates:

          a. Treasurer’s Report-presented by Barb. Bank Balance $15,778.63, Available Cash $11, 718.63.        

          b. Committee reports- Genevieve reported on Religious Education –Stephen is the Chair of the committee. Michael is the RE Coordinator. Board would like to see Adult RE activated and it was suggested Stephen discuss this with the committee. Vicki, Wendall, Phil, Chris and Vern may be interested in being involved. Question raised -would nonviolent communication training fall under Adult Education?

          Nakota reported on Care and Concerns-They have been considering Lay Ministry training. Rick at the Salem UU offers a mini workshop on having face to face meetings after the service with those in need. He will be coming to UUFM 4/27/13 as our speaker.

          Barb spoke about Finance Committee coming together to discuss the next year’s budget and received input from the various committees.

          Phil spoke for the Social Justice committee to report there had been discussion about the Nonviolent Communication Workshop and it was decided to put it in the RE budget.

          Brian reported on the Worship Committee which now has Chris acting as Chair. They had discussed the next year’s budget and Nakota had gone over the upcoming Speakers.

          Phil reported on the progress the Building Committee has made and that they will be presenting this to the Fellowship on Saturday, 3/15/13 as informational only-no decisions will be made.


4.  New Business: 

          a. Review of proposed budget- Barb will email Chairs of committees to inform them they should be prepared to discuss any questions that may come up. The proposed budget at this point is for almost $5000.00 more than last fiscal year.

b.  Upcoming schedule for important meetings: Bylaw changes- will be reviewed with the fellowship March 17th to solicit any input from them. Pledge drive will begin in early April and continue into May. May 19, 2013 will be the Annual Business Meeting with election of new officers and approval of the Bylaw changes.

          c. Bylaw changes, as submitted by Brian and any input he may have received from Board members, were reviewed and suggested corrections made. Lengthy discussion about section 8.5.2 which addresses Nominating Committee duties in recommending nominees for Board positions that will be vacated. The concern especially is that the Treasurer post takes some training and background experience/aptitude for numbers. The current practice has been that the Board members get elected by the Fellowship, then the new Board elects their own officers. However, due to the nature of the Treasurer’s position, a candidate was trained in advance by the outgoing Treasurer and then elected to position. An option would be to hire a bookkeeper but we agreed this is not in the budget for such a small church as ours.


5. Action Items:

          a. Ken will mention to Eric about involving the Tao group in more events.

          b. Barb and Denise agree to comprise the Event Team as long as they don’t have to be called a Committee. They would help coordinate social events such as the Summer picnic and Winter holiday meal.


5. Announcements: Next board meeting will be April 15, 2013 at 6:00pm at Phil’s.


6. Adjourn: 9:09 pm


Submitted by: Lynn Hughes 03/11/13