Monday, February 11, 2013


Present: Nakota Ashstarte, Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Brian DeMarco, Genevieve Woodard, Ken Moore

Absent: Phil Newman

Resigned: Alene Jacobs


1.  Opening of meeting 6:09 pm

         a. Opening invocation-Chalice lighting, Nakota did a  homily reading by Richard Rohr from Falling Upward.

         b. Meeting is called to order

         c. Determination of Quorum-quorum is met.

         d. Approval of agenda-all approve


2.  Approval of Minutes for January 14, 2013 Board meeting-minutes are accepted as corrected with no objections.


3.   Continuing Business Updates:

         a. TreasurerÕs Report-presented by Barb. Bank Balance $14,706.08, Available Cash $11,189.04.

         b. AleneÕs resignation letter was reviewed; Ken read us his response to her. Discussion about whether we should replace her position on the Board now or wait until next Board is selected. All agreed this could wait.

         c. Discussed current budget review to date. Finance committee will meet 2/25/13 so proposed budgets for the committees need to be submitted by 2/24/13 at the latest.

         d. Contact list—Brian moved, Genevieve seconded and all agreed to send out latest member list to members (and friends who agreed to be on list) by email. List would not be posted on the Website nor on Google documents for access.

         e. Strategic Plan reports-Brian reported on the Building. Eric and the building committee have come up with a list of 4 possible sites, some of which would be shared space with another church. Ken will ask the building committee to give an update at Sunday service and ask if others would like to join in the search.

Minister-No update.

Ken reported on Membership and plans on joining the committee after he leaves the Board. The committee is in flux with new members coming on and some of the longstanding members leaving.

         f. Committee liaison reports-

                  Membership-Discussion about the visitor cups and whether they are meeting their intended purpose. Acknowledged the importance of greeting visitors and learning the names of new members.

                  Care and Concerns-They are busy making cranes. Susan has been playing her Ukelele often. Madeline is undergoing radiation therapy now and may need help with transportation or just some company to take her for lunch.

                  Worship—Bernie is coming off. Suggestion to build the 7 Principles into Worship service. Speakers are arranged through May. Maybe have a Suggestion Box where people could provided feedback about the service or offer suggestions about future services.


4.  New Business: 

         a. Bylaw changes-March 17th would be the deadline for any proposed changes. Brian has submitted suggested changes to the Board members, please review these and send a response to Brian.

         b. Building fund/reserve-should consider budgeting for a strategic reserve and decide if we want to start a Capitol Campaign. Eric could be the spearhead and we may want a consultant to help get the process started.

         c. March business meeting will be 3/17/13. This is time for a review of the budget, any discussion on Bylaw changes and a Board forum format for strategic updates.

         d. Pacific Western Assembly-Discussed how much we might want to designate, how many do we want to attend and what do we expect them to do? Will announce to the members that we will pay the entrance to any member who wants to attend. This yearÕs Assembly is in San Jose 4/26-28.

         e. Decided that the next elected Secretary will take on the certification process and keep updating the member list.

         f. Board will combine two line items in the next yearÕs budget to make it Training/Workshops for $1000.00.


5. Action Items:

         a. Nominating Committee duties-A change was suggested such that the committee nominate qualified personÕs who are Òwilling and able to be officersÓ for Board positions versus direct election of officers specific to a position. Brian proposes that we continue to research and discuss this.


         b. Non-violent Communication (NVC) Workshop-Brian will send an email to Patriciafaye to recommend she ask Worship or Social Action Committee to put in their budget to apply for funds for this. It was thought it would be better to have a committee make requests for funds rather than an individual. Future requests for proposal-2 types – one where the Board initiates and one where members of a Committee initiates.

         c. New Committees- Barb will ask Denise about being on an Event Committee. An Adult RE committee was suggested but this would fall under the RE committee already existing.


5. Announcements: Next board meeting will be March 11, 2013 at 6:00pm at GenevieveÕs.


6. Adjourn: 7:59 pm


Submitted by: Lynn Hughes 02/11/13