Monday, December 10, 2012


Present: Nakota Ashstarte, Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Brian DeMarco, Genevieve Woodard, Phil Newman, Ken Moore

Absent: Alene Jacobs


1.  Opening of meeting 6:18 pm

          a. Opening invocation-Chalice lighting, Nakota did a reading by John O’Donohue about Light.

          b. Meeting is called to order

          c. Determination of Quorum-quorum is met.

          d. Approval of agenda-all approve with the exception of discussing Continuing Business before Action Items.


2.  Approval of Minutes for November 5, 2012 Board meeting-minutes are accepted as corrected with no objections.


3.   Continuing Business Updates:

          a. Treasurer’s Report-presented by Barb. Bank Balance $16,965.68. Available Cash $13,886.39. Budgeted expenses up to this point (which is 6 months into the fiscal year) are $18,000.16 with total budget for the year $31,911.24.

          b. Employment contract-Discussion about contractor relationship versus having an actual employee. For future hiring decisions it would be best to consider ahead of the hire whether a contractor or employee relationship is desired. *Lynn will look into amendment about proposed changes to Bylaws and time frame about how many days ahead they have to be submitted.

          c. Membership approval of employment contract-Discussion about Section 9.2 in Policies and Procedures which addresses expenditure over $1000.00. It is stated that membership shall approve all contracts related to purchase or sale of real property and non-routine expenditures in excess of $1000.00. The hiring of an Education Coordinator was an approved budget item for the fiscal year 2012/2013. The Policy would need to be changed if hires would have to be approved by the membership.

Brian moved that we submit the employment contract with Michael Vincent to the membership. Genevieve seconded. Brian voted Aye, the remainder present voted Nay. Motion not passed.

Brian moved that prior to negotiating any future employment contracts the Board take a look at all the issues in advance of hire. Barb seconded. All voted Aye. Motion passed.

          d. Strategic Plan reports-Phil reported on the Building. Eric will be trying to meet with other Pastors in town to discuss the possibility of teaming up with an existing church to share space. He hasn’t heard back from any of the other ministers at this point.

Ken reported on the Minister. Ken is waiting to hear form Hollis to see what he might be willing to do. Phil talked to J. Larson who thought Sally Godard might be a good fit. Others to be considered are Reverends Pomerantz and Hansen.

Ken reported on Membership and will be Liaison for the time being. The committee needs a Spearhead to expand the membership drive. It might be helpful to have someone experienced with Public relations, as a separate function, to get UUFM name out in the community.

          e. Board Forum agenda- 1/20/12 will be an informational meeting and input will be requested. It was suggested to leave half the time for discussion. *Brian will draw up an outline and send it to the Board.

          f. Committee liaison reports-

                   Membership has started using a Welcome form for new attendees. They also have visitor cups for coffee hour. It was suggested they keep track of membership monthly and attendance each service.

                   RE-Michael is adapting well to his new position.

                   Social Action-They recently presented what they’ve been doing at the last service. They are very busy in the Community.

                   Care and Concerns-4 members have needed assistance recently.

          g. Contact list-Kris agreed to update it one more time; she suggests the next secretary take it over. The contact list is no longer kept on the back table.


4. Action Items:

          a. GA draft statement of conscience (SOC)-This would be a vote of the membership to approve or disapprove. 25% of certified Congregations or representatives vote on whether statement is worded well enough to go to General Assembly. *Ken will present SOC to the Membership to seek input or approval.

          b. Non-violent Communication (NVC) Workshop-We’ve been asked for an $180.00 expenditure to send participants to the workshop coming up in January at First Babtist church. Nakota explained that NVC is speaking without violent words or tones, speaking as our covenant states, where the words are not loaded, speaking in a civilized fashion and using active listening. After discussion agreed more information was needed and the time was short notice. Brian suggested sending out for proposals to have someone present topic for a UUFM forum. Phil suggested a sermon on the subject of NVC to prepare the audience. *Brian will form a proposal that could be sent out.

          c. Worship Committee- Patricia Faye will be ending as Chair in January and Kris will take over at that point. There will be a changeover of members on the committee as Phoebe and Madeline are leaving. New members will need to be recruited. Some suggested names are Ted DeChatelet, Jay and Suzanne Teller, Janet Erkskine, and Shante Frisbee.    d. *Ken will ask Kris about putting the Membership list on the UUFM website. Barb Valentine may have knowledge about this possibility.


5. New Business:

          a. Senior Center rental-We renew for 6 months at a time and will renew through June 2013. We get a 10% discount for this already.

          b. Conflict of Interest-Ken Moore discloses a connection with the Shadow Project in that his wife, Kristy, is paid a salary that contributes to the family budget. Ken is not on the Board for the Shadow Project. Brian moves that in the matter of the Shadow Project we see no conflict of interest. Barb seconded and all voted Aye.

          c. Events Committee-Discussed creation of the committee for events such as the summer picnic, Winter Holiday brunch and any other large gathering. This would be good for those who just want a short term project to work on.

          d. Board position elections-Members recommend slate of Officers, then new Board votes on who will take which position. Barb brings up the issue of Treasurer as needing someone who is familiar with bookkeeping.

          e. Misc.-Brian would like us to recognize Jolynn for her work with the Choir. Brief discussion about what precedent we want to set as far as outgoing members on the Board or committees.


5. Announcements: Next board meeting will be January 14, 2012 at 6:00pm at Genevieve’s.


6. Adjourn: 8:56 pm


Submitted by: Lynn Hughes 12/10/2012