Monday, November 5, 2012


Present: Alene Jacobs, Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Brian Demarco, Genevieve Woodard, Phil Newman, Ken Moore

Absent: Nakota Ashstarte


1.  Opening of meeting 6:43 pm

         a. Opening invocation-Chalice lighting Brian led us in prayer.

         b. Meeting is called to order

         c. Determination of Quorum-quorum is met.

         d. Approval of agenda-all approve with the exception of moving Continuing Business Updates to come before Action Items.


2.  Approval of Minutes for October 8, 2012 Board meeting-minutes are accepted as corrected with no objections.


3.   Continuing Business Updates:

         a. TreasurerÕs Report-presented by Barb. Bank Balance $15,678.62. Available Cash $13,095.07. Pledges received up to this point (which is 5 months into the fiscal year) are $15,520.00 with total pledges for the year $29,140.00.  Treasurer has purchased the checks to match the laser printer.  Board discussed doing a review of budget versus actual expenses every 6 months. The Board liaison will address budget planning with the finance committee.

         b. General Assembly report format-Board discussed planning ahead for future GA meeting by looking for grants to help send someone and consider sending a representative with a suggested agenda relevant to UUFM. Kathleen, our representative who attended GA this year will present on 11/18/12 after the service to anyone who is interested. An email will be sent out to the general fellowship as soon as possible.

         c. Committee Reports:

                  RE-Stephen Bjorland as committee chair has indicated they are moving ahead with hiring Michael Vincent as RE Coordinator. The job description is on the UUFM website. The criminal checks have been done and they are prepared to offer the position. Board discussed whether hiring needs to be approved by the Board and consensus was that the committee be empowered to make the decision to hire. Brian would like to review the contract before the position if offered. It was agreed that we need to review the Bylaws and how other UUÕs handle hiring and decide what the BoardÕs role is to be for future hiring.

                  Worship Committee-Brian reminds us that Patricia Faye has resigned as Chair and Kris Gabrielsen has agreed to Chair for 1 year.

                  Care and Concerns-Nakota is not here to report.

                  Membership-Alene has resigned as liaison and asks for another volunteer to take that role. There was much discussion about this and for the time being Ken Moore will continue in this role.

                  Social Action-Lynn reports they are busy preparing for their December presentation.


4. Action Items:

         a. Morales for UUA President 2013-Ken received a letter asking UUFM to nominate Morales for re-election. Board agreed we need to know more about the process and about Morales. All are encouraged to go to the website to learn more: http://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/officers/president/index.shtml

         b. Strategic Planning-Brian handed out Flow Charts for UUFM Strategic Planning, one for Ongoing, which is now and later, and one for Long Term, which are huge project that bear fruit in the future. It was suggested that we tighten the budget and limit major expenses to be able to proceed with the major projects such as finding a facility and looking for a minister. Facility Task Force: Phil met with Eric and Jolynn who were going to check with real estate agents about buildings available for leasing. Eric had discussed checking with the McMinnville ministerial group about possible space sharing. Eric is aware of some grant funding and can do further research on this. Phil will be liaison for the Facility Task Force. It was suggested that the Task Force keep a notebook of properties that have been considered and make a list of needs such as kitchen, classrooms, seating. Membership Task Force: There are three new members, Dominic, Denise and Vicki. Bernie is retiring in June. Ken will step in for now as Board Liaison. ItÕs agreed that growing membership is crucial in defining our budget and where UUFM can go. Minister Task Force: Ken contacted Kris about being in an advisory position. Having a minister is a way to promote growth as it gets more people coming to services. Phil suggested small groups of us travel to other UUÕs to get more information about whoÕs out there looking for a position and would they be a good fit for us. Hollis Bredeway was brought up as a possible interim/short-term minister.


5. Announcements: Next board meeting will be December 10, 2012 at 6:30pm.


6. Adjourn: 9:07 pm


Submitted by: Lynn Hughes 11/5/2012