UUFM Board meeting September 8, 2012


Present: Ken Moore (Chair),  Alene Jacobs, Lynn Hughes (Secretary), Barb Roush (Treasurer), Genevieve Woodard, Brian DeMarco (Vice-Chair), Phil Newman (past Chair),

and Nakota Ashstarte.


Convened 9:22 am  with the reading of this poem by Nakota Astarte:


from  To Bless the Space Between Us,   by John O"Donohue


For A New Position


May your new work excite your heart,

Kindle in your mind a creativity

To journey beyond the old limits

Of all that has become wearisome.


May this work challenge you toward

New frontiers that will emerge

As you begin to approach them,

Calling forth from you the full force

And depth of your undiscovered gifts.


May the work fit the rhythms of your soul,

Enabling you to draw from the  invisible

New ideas and a vision that will inspire.


Remember to be kind

To those who work for you,

Endeavor to remain aware

Of the quiet world

That lives behind each face.


Be fair in your expectations,

Compassionate in your criticism.

May you have the grace of encouragement

To awaken the gift in the other's heart,

Building in them the confidence

To follow the call of the gift.


May you come to know that work

Which emerges from the mind of love

Will have beauty and form.


May this new work be worthy

Of the energy of your heart

And the light of your thought.



May your work assume

A proper space in your life;

Instead of owning or using you,

May it challenge and refine you,

Bringing you every day further

Into the wonder of your heart.



Comments on the Members list: Kris Gabrielsen has been maintaining this but would like to hand over the duty to someone else. She is willing to instruct the person in how it is done on the computer. Alene Jacobs has volunteered to do this. Brian suggested we see if there is a way to keep this data available for updates on the iCloud perhaps.


Minutes from August 20, 2012: are accepted as corrected with no objections.


Treasurers report: Bank Balance $8,454.66. Available cash $6,339.54. Surplus funds of $11,900.00 from past 2 years has been placed in a UUFM Savings account. UUA annual dues and PNWD Fair Share dues were paid for the next year. Brian suggested we may want to consider having a statement available to justify the expense of maintaining membership in these two organizations. 

Barb reported on her research for a Laser Printer and found the best price was for a Brother laser printer at a price of $199.00 at Amazon. Board agreed for her to go ahead and purchase this item.


Committee Heads discussion: There have been questions about how and when to change over the Committee Chair persons. A review of the Bylaws indicated that the Chairs should be approved of by the Board; however did not address anything about turnover of Chairs. Board members suggested that we have term limits of 2 years with half the Chairs switching out on odd years and the other half on even years. Certainly Chairs can resign at any time they feel necessary to do so. We agreed to table this for further discussion.


No committee reports  this month.


Next Board Meeting: will be on Oct. 8, 2012  6:00pm at Alene Jacobs.


Adjourned 9:50 am, followed by Board Retreat.


Submitted by Lynn Hughes  9/08/12