UUFM Board meeting June 19, 2012


Present: Ken Moore (Chair), Phil Newman (past Chair), Alene Jacobs, Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Nakota Ashstarte, Genevieve Woodard, Brian DeMarco

Convened 6:30

Duties of the Secretary: Barbara Valentine present to explain duties of the Secretary. The main functions of the Secretary are to keep minutes of Board and Business meetings. The Secretary has been the ÒkeeperÓ of important documents such as annual audit, articles of incorporation, tax information, Bylaws, Policies & Procedures and historical documents.

The Secretary has also been involved with the UUA certification process which starts in November of each year and with getting the minutes to the website.

Phil suggested and all agreed it would be beneficial to have an Archival committee to help manage all the documents and determine where each of them are kept.


Election of new officers: Chair-Ken Moore, Brian moved and Lynn seconded, all approved.

Vice Chair-Brian DeMarco, Barb moved and Genevieve seconded, all approved.

Secretary-Lynn Hughes, Lynn moved and Alene seconded, all approved.

Treasurer-Barb Roush agreed to stay on another year.

Archival Committee will consist of Lynn, Brian and Barbara Valentine.


Minutes from May 9, 2012 are accepted as corrected with no objections.


Treasurers report: Bank Balance 22,721.29; Available cash 12.188.72.


Pledge Update: Barb reported that 91% of pledges from the year 2011/2012 have been received up to this point. Also, over 90% of pledges for the 2012/2013 pledge drive are in. Typically, we have not spent all the budgeted amounts. Excess money last year was placed in surplus funds.


Rent: is due at the Senior Center in July for the next 6 month period. It was agreed to stay with the 6 month time period due to future plans for leasing or buying space.

Check signers need to be changed. Kris Gabrielsen, Beverly Halverson, Phil Newman and Barbara Valentine will be removed. Ken Moore and Barb Roush will remain. Lynn Hughes and Brian DeMarco will be added.


Conflict of Interest Statement: Alene will scan this and send it out to Board members. This will be signed at the July Board meeting.


Thank-you: A Thank-you note from Sam Lundeen was read in thanks for his quilt and well wishes after his graduation from high school.


Covenant process update: The task force is now in the process of compiling the data from the workshops and are finding it will take time to create a thoughtful covenant that represents UUFM and how we want to ÒBeÓ with one another.

Traditions: Ken reiterated some of the traditions we have developed for UUFM. A discussion developed about whether the Board should continue to play a big part in the planning of these events or turn it over to Party Committee. For the time being we agreed to ask for volunteers to help in the planning of the Summer Picnic and the New Years Dinner.

Other groups that have become traditions are the MenÕs Circle, the Lunch Bunch, Circle Suppers and a newly developing Working WomenÕs group.


Consensus: Discussion about what this was, did we want to practice this, how to create and implement a model for this. Nakota has experience with this process from another group she is in. Some of the principal parts of practicing consensus are using Approve, Stand Aside or Block. We discussed forming a committee that would create a pathway to the creation of a consensus process. This process would follow what we have done with the Covenant process in that we would involve the fellowship. Part of this creation would include having training sessions so the process of consensus could be practiced. This would facilitate UUFM fellowship becoming confident in our competence at reaching consensus when important matters come up. Board agreed that this process was a logical continuation of the work the Covenant committee has been doing and suggests that those who so desire and any other interested persons continue on to this next task.


Minister Consultant: It was suggested by Janine Larsen, our PNWD contact and Rick Davis from Salem that we meet with Hollis Bredeweg who had experience with a UU congregation in Washington and helped Òturn them around.Ó The thought would be that he could be useful in helping us decide what we want a minister to do for us. Ken will meet with him initially in Portland and decide if we will want to have further discussion with him. The Board would then meet with him informally on a week night to get to know him. We may then be interested in having him come speak to the congregation as a whole.


Old Business: Kathleen McKinney will be attending the UUA general assembly in Arizona this summer. We will ask her to give a report to the Board upon her return.


Committee Reports: RE Committee elected Stephen Bjorlin as the new Chair.

Worship Commitee  Asks that the Board members help direct people to the new Volunteer table at the back which starts July 1st.

Speakers Committee Beth Dell has been allowed to retire. Nakota and Lynn are added.


Next Board Meeting: July 9, 2012 at 6:30pm. Genevieve has agreed to host.