UUFM Board Meeting January 18, 2012


Present: Ken Moore (Chair), Phil Newman, Barbara Valentine, Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Marcia Blevins. Absent: Alene Jacobs

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm at MarciaÕs  

Ken opened with the question: How involved are we with UU thinking?  He realizes he does not know much about UU.  Many on the Board agreed.   He found a list of recommended UU Books that the Board decided would be good to purchase for the library.  Phil also suggested that the UUA website is a wonderful source as well as Rick Davis at UUCS.  This discussion suggests a need for Adult RE.

Minutes:  Board reviewed minutes from last meeting.  Ken pointed out that according to RobertÕs Rules we did not have to approve and second every action.  Action: Ken instituted a new procedure for accepting the minutes.  He said: ŅWeÕll accept the minutes unless there is objection.Ó  Hearing no objection, the minutes were approved. 

Committee Reports


TreasurerÕs Report - UUFMÕs bank balance is $20403.04.  Available cash $11679.29.  Barb reported that Bev had prepared the quarterly taxes.  Barb has sent out the W2Õs to our employees, but still needs to report the same information to IRS  She would like to get a CPA to consult for some employee-type questions and has someone in mind who deals with non-profits.  Phil suggested she might get her questions answered by Rick Davis or someone at the Salem UU.   Action: Ken noted we would accept the report if there were no objections.  Hearing none, the TreasurerÕs Report was approved.


Barb said the Finance subcommittee will meet to discuss next yearÕs budget.  Barb will contact the CommitteeÕs and get their input first.  Barbara V. suggested she also verify Committee Membership at that time.


Membership Committee:  


į       Bernie Ōs report asked if we could put UUFM mailing address on the pledge form so new pledgers could mail directly to prevent those on Membership Committee accepting this private information. [Bev later emailed a recent form with does have the address].   Marcia suggested they could mail or give directly to Barb R. at service.

į       Greeter coordinator still needed.   Ken suggested Membership Committee find someone to fill that spot.

į       Bernie and Phil will arrange a ŅQuarterly Committee Integration Meeting, Ó for RE, Membership, Worship, and Board.

į       Membership Certification:  Barbara V. as Secretary is taking this on a little late in the process.  Certification opens in November, which gives the congregation a chance to vote for issues the UUA may use to set the agenda for the annual meeting, but this year there was no time. Phil suggested this job should go with the new Secretary elected next board. 



Worship Committee: The SpeakerÕs subcommittee submitted a list of speakers through July.  Madeline is willing to be nominated at the next meeting to be Chair of the Worship Committee.  The Board discussed modifying the Offering, by providing one basket with two spots clearly marked UUFM and {Charity of the Month].  Phil will work on this.


Website Task Force: The Website Task Force:  Barbara V. is working with webmaster and will convene the Task Force soon about Website upgrade


RE:  Kris noted the need for a new RE Chair and wanted a recommendation from the Board. We talked about the possibility of revisiting the role of the RE Coordinator,  a position changed from RE Director last year. Ken will talk with Kris more about this.


Social Action:  Beth would like the UUFM to consider endorsing causes as a congregation.  Phil will look at the UUA website for guidelines.


Cares and Concerns:  Would like to have more people on the committee to help communicate all the issues among the congregation so that no one in need gets overlooked.  Susan will make an announcement next service.  The Board also thought a permanent note in the announcements would help too.


WomenÕs Group and MenÕs Group: Meeting regularly but have different schedules and discussions.   Nakota would like more spiritual discussion in WomenÕs Groups.  Perhaps this is another idea for Adult RE.


Pledge Drive:  Ken will ask Ted if he would like to lead the Pledge Drive.


Next Business Meeting: scheduled for March 18.  Agenda will be communicated 10 days in advance and so far includes:

į       By-Laws changes, recommended in a First Reading at the September Business meeting, will come up for a congregational vote after being presented for a second Reading.

į       Preliminary Budget will be presented for discussion

į       Nominating Committee will be elected (this was missed last year during regular elections).  This Committee will find candidates for 3 members leaving the Board as well as 3 new Nominating Committee members and 2 alternates.  All nominees will be presented in May for Elections.



Next Board Meeting: February 29, 2012 at MarciaÕs 6:30pm.

 Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm.

Submitted by Barbara Valentine