UUFM Board Meeting November 9, 2011


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Alene Jacobs, Barbara Valentine, Ken Moore , Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Marcia Blevins.

Meeting called to order by 6:30pm at GeraldiÕs.  

Phil tendered his resignation as Board Chair.  After discussion, the Board accepted his resignation but Phil will finish his term as member of Board.  According to By-Laws, we accepted Ken as the new Chair.

Minutes:  Board reviewed minutes from last meeting.  Action: Lynn moved and Marcia seconded to approve the October 4, 2011 board meeting minutes.  Unanimously approved. 

Committee Reports


Barb  presented the TreasurerÕs Report - UUFMÕs bank balance is $14,395.18.  Available cash $6146.62, which is much less than last time because Barb has now created a new line in Dedicated Funds for the $5600 surplus from last year.  Action: Lynn moved and Marcia seconded to approve the Financial Report.  Unanimously approved.

Ken crafted a written response to the Audit, submitted August 7, 2011.   A copy will be sent to Bev, Susan, and Bernie.


Worship Committee:

Articulating Our Faith program – Board not quite ready to launch into that yet so will put on hold

Service Census Record Keeping – Ken reminded Greeters to count attendees .


RE Committee: 

Kris will take the lead on the Guest At Your Table program, collecting money over the holidays for the UUA Service Committee.


Annual Fellowship Retreat October 16, 2011: 

Followup and Action Plan.  Went over outcomes and assignments from the Retreat.  Board members will read ÒVision, Mission, and Covenant: Creating a Future TogetherÓ from UUA and discuss plans for renewed direction at the next Board meeting.  


Senior Center:  Lease good for 6 months.


Circle Suppers – In process.


Other business: Bernie has chairs that need to be stored for future use.  Ken agreed to take them.


Next Board Meeting: December 14, 2011 at GeraldiÕs – 6:30pm.


Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.

Submitted by Barbara Valentine

November 11, 2011