UUFM Board Meeting October 4, 2011


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Alene Jacobs, Barbara Valentine, Ken Moore , Lynn Hughes, Barb Roush, Marcia Blevins.

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:30pm.   In a new addition to our meeting ritual, we began with a reflection by Ken.

Minutes:  Board reviewed minutes from last meeting.  Action: Barb R. moved and Marcia seconded to approve the September 13, 2011 board meeting minutes with a minor correction.  Unanimously approved.  Board also reviewed Quarterly Business membership meeting minutes September 19, 2011.  Marcia moved and Barb R. seconded to approve these minutes.  All approved, except Barbara V. who abstained because she had not attended the meeting.


Committee Reports


Barb  presented the TreasurerÕs Report - UUFMÕs bank balance is $13,976.23.  Available cash $11,838.05.  Based on the end of first quarter 2011-12 fiscal year, 22.35% of all money pledged has been paid.  Total pledges = $30584. Bev has prepared and Barb R. has paid the quarterly taxes for end of 1st quarter as well.    We passed around the current bank statement for the board to review.  Barb also mentioned concerns in the audit have been implemented correctly now.  Ken will complete the response to the audit for the next meeting.  Action: Lynn moved and Alene seconded to approve the Financial Report.  Unanimously approved.


Worship Committee: John Braun has resigned from the Worship Committee.  A new person to schedule sermons is being discussed.  We are booked to December.  Patriciafaye as interim Chair will present a survey to the Fellowship to help give direction to the Worship Committee. Patriciafaye will also take leadership on the Articulating our Faith course and will mention it at the Retreat Oct. 16, 2011.  We asked Ken to work on getting the service attendance records to Phil so that these can be recorded more regularly.


RE Committee: 

Nothing new to report or action required.


Annual Fellowship Retreat October 16, 2011: 

Judy would like some help with set up Saturday for the Retreat Sunday.  Phil will help and will try to recruit others.  Phil will take the lead on the retreat with Introduction and  Full Time minister discussion.  Ken will handle engagement, Phil will ask Bernie to introduce the Membership piece.  Barbara will be the timekeeper – each segment will run 45 minutes.


Senior Center:  The Board agreed to extend our rental agreement with the Senior Center through June 30, 2012.  UUUFM has the option to make monthly rental payments.


Circle Suppers – Alene has arranged process and first groups.  Group leaders will contact participants starting at Fellowship Retreat.


Next Board Meeting: November 8, 2011 at PhilÕs house.  6:00. (half hour earlier)


Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm a new record time.

Submitted by Barbara Valentine

September  13, 2011