UUFM Board Meeting May 10, 2011


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Kris Gabrielsen, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine, Ted deChatelet , Bev Halverson Absent:  Lynn Hughes

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:30pm.   Last meeting for Kris, Ted, and Bev

Committee Reports

Finance: TreasurerÕs Report - UUFMÕs bank balance is $14,510.13.  Available cash $8900.97.   2011/12 Proposed Budget: $31,563 (to be approved 5/15/11).  Pledges to date: $30484 (from April pledge drive). Carryover (from 2010/11): $5500.  Kris asked if Silent Auction leftovers ($336.23) could be used to buy a Chalice. She will look into purchases and get back to the Board. Received 88% of pledges from 2010/11.  Motion by Kris to approve TreasurerÕs Report, seconded by Ted.   Approved unanimously. 


Worship Committee: Coffee hour – Social Action and Membership Committees would like coffee hour to be more peaceful.  Gathering chairs is disruptive to attracting new members as well as signing up participation for UUFM activities.  Phil is in communication with Senior Center to see if we can pay to have them break down after 1pm.  We would then set up for service instead.  Ken wants to run for Board position so needs to leave role as Chair of Worship.  Board discussed several replacement options.  There was a request to remind the Celebrant not to read announcements.


Membership Committee:  Marcia had nothing to report – no new members.  Phil suggested the Committee set up a Membership Strategic Plan for the coming year.  Board discussed possibility of having a meeting with some Committees or their Chairs (RE, Worship, Membership) to help strategize.


RE Committee:  Kendra is the new Coordinator of Religious Education and ready to start next service.  Kris is completing contract for $12.50 per hour.  Kris agreed to be RE Chair to monitor Coordinator position for this year, then revisit Committee leadership structure next year.


Pledge Drive: success.  Short and to the point. 


Welcoming Committee: Would like Board to handle new Posters received from UUA advertised Welcoming Congregation status.  Ted will work on this.


Social Action Committee:  Noted work with YCAP  to fill backpacks with weekend food supplies for needy families Thursday nights through June.  Also reminded Board of Immigration Conference May 13-14.


Building Committee: The Capital Task Force (CTF) sent out survey and will report on results soon.


Minutes:  Kris moved and Marcia seconded to approve the April 13, 2011 minutes.  Unanimously approved.



Yearly Membership/ Business meeting: scheduled May 15, 2011.  Agenda:

á       Vote on budget  that will be proposed by the Board based on pledges.

á       Elect four new board members.  Ted, Kris, and Bev will be outgoing members of the board.  Lynn has also served her term, but has agreed to be on the ballot for another term.

á       Elect Nominating Committee is still looking for candidates to run for the Nominating Committee.  Bernie will do the Audit with Susan Marrant. 

á       Discuss on possible switch to let Senior Center cleanup rather than setup the Service.



UUA General Assembly:  June 22-26 Charlotte North Carolina.  Kris and Eric Gabrielsen are attending. 


Round Robin: 

á       Barbara wants to encourage members to bring own coffee cups to help alleviate coffee cup cleanup.  She will make an announcement.


Next Board Meetings: To be determined by new Board;




Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.


Submitted by Barbara Valentine

May 15, 2011