UUFM Board Meeting April 13, 2011


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Kris Gabrielsen, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine, Lynn Hughes, Bev Halverson Absent:  Ted deChatelet 

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:45pm. 


Committee Reports

Finance: TreasurerÕs Report - UUFMÕs bank balance is $12,997.76.  Available cash $9106.60.   Budget $25,834.  Pledges: $27,240.00.  Pledges received (81%): $22151.  Motion by Marcia to approve TreasurerÕs Report, seconded by Lynn.   Approved unanimously. 


Worship Committee: JoLynn encouraged the Board to promote the choir to the congregation.  The Board agreed that with a small congregation only so many would want to be in the choir.  At UUCS (Salem) for instance they have hundreds of members yet their choir is no more than a dozen dedicated members.  The Speaker list is full until September and John Braun will have more through October soon.  Barbara asked Phil to forward the lists to the Board when he receives them.  Kris wanted us to remind the Celebrant to emphasize that Joys and Concerns are personal.


Membership Committee:  Marcia had nothing to report, but we discussed changing membership, especially related to membership dues to UUA.  They are based on the February census submitted by Barbara to UUA.  We should try to take a poll of actual members (new and retired) in January each year so we are ready to report the best number to UUA in February.


RE Committee:  We are in the process of hiring a Coordinator for RE and have 3 applications so far with the deadline April 30.  The search committee is: Tandy, Ted, Kris. 


Pledge Drive: Ken and Jeannie will kick off the pledge drive Sunday April 17 with a form and decorative postcard.  The drive will end the following Sunday.  We will know the number of pledges before our next Board meeting so we can determine a budget for the May business meeting.  We will discuss and create a list of duties at a future board meeting to distribute at another service.


Social Action Committee:  UUFM is filling an opening YCAP has for volunteers to fill backpacks with weekend food supplies for needy families Thursday nights through June.  Everyone is encouraged to join the fun 6:30-7ish @ Wascher School.  After this, the Committee will work on a monthly project to be announced later.


Building Committee: The Capital Task Force (CTF) will meet soon.  An email will be sent.


Minutes:  Kris moved and Bev seconded to approve the March 16, 2011 minutes.  Unanimously approved.



Yearly Membership/ Business meeting: scheduled May 15, 2011. 


á       Vote on budget  that will be proposed by the Board based on pledges.

á       Elect four new board members.  Ted, Kris, and Bev will be outgoing members of the board.  Lynn has also served her term, but has agreed to be on the ballot for another term.  

The Nominating Committee is still looking for candidates to run for the Nominating Committee.  Bernie will do the Audit with another member yet to be named. 


UUA General Assembly:  June 22-26 Charlotte North Carolina.  Kris and Eric Gabrielsen are attending. 


Round Robin: 

á       Webinars in April and May available via UUA.  Ask Phil for details if interested.

á       The Board approved a form (Barbara) created for speakers to sign to formalize the process of posting recordings on the web.  Barbara will contact John to distribute to next speaker.


Next Board Meetings: May 10, 2011 – MarciaÕs;




Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.


Submitted by Barbara Valentine

April 17, 2011