UUFM Board Meeting March 16, 2011


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Kris Gabrielsen, Barbara Valentine, Lynn Hughes, Bev Halverson, Ted DeChatelet, Marcia Blevins

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:30pm. 

Minutes:  Kris moved and Bev seconded to approve the February 10, 2011 minutes.  Unanimously approved.  The business meeting minutes for February 20, 2011 were modified.  Bev moved and Lynn seconded to approve those modified minutes.  [All minutes are posted on UUFM website]


Committee Reports

Finance: TreasurerÕs Report - UUFMÕs bank balance is $13,785.09.  Available cash $9,672.22.  Nothing special to report.  Motion by Kris to approve TreasurerÕs Report, seconded by Ted.   Approved unanimously. 


Worship Committee: The Committee thought there was a shortage of money for speakers, but board felt this was on track.  Ministers get $250; lay sermons get $100, UUFM speak for no fee.  So far this year there have been a lot of ministers.  Pledge Drive: Ken is creating a postcard with graphic description of who we are. There was also a plan to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of UUFM with cupcakes in April.


Membership Committee:  Marcia said no news; no change in membership.


RE Committee:  Christi submitted 30 day resignation notice.  The board discussed her resignation letter.  Christi apologized but her life has become more complicated than she imagined when she accepted the original contract.  She also included very helpful insights and recommendations  that should help us hire, welcome, and communicate with the next employee.  The board noted that hiring someone more locally would help too.  The board decided to consider changing the job to RE Coordinator – someone who provides more of a support and coordination role than a curriculum development and teaching role. The RE Committee would provide oversight and guidance to the RE Coordinator.  The RE Committee will meet to discuss, revise, and submit to the board the position description.   The board also discussed ways to advertise the position, including CraigÕs list and Linfield College.



Welcoming Committee:  Phil announced the official tally from the survey sent out to the 43-member congregation: 26 members responded.   The vote was unanimous.  The UUFM is already a Welcoming Congregation; the vote was required to receive that designation also from UUA. 


Social Action Committee:  Phil said the Committee decided to support various projects related to YCAP reasoning that some of these are already organized to do a lot of what Transition Towns is meant to do.  They want to involve more members.  There will be a Home Lunch Project where community members pack lunches Thursday nites. Another project is for a Community Garden in Willamina. The board suggested perhaps TAO youth and children could be involved in YCAP projects too.


Building Committee: Eric Gabrielsen asked to send an online survey to members in order to gather information about support for a capital campaign for a building.  The board agreed, encouraging the Committee to prepare questions that will elicit the best data for decision-making.  The board also commends their efforts.


Offering Contribution

The board discussed the issue raised at the last Business meeting about where money from our offering ought to be used.  Madeline, for instance, had noted that people may want to give to UUFM, but not have a check to make that distinction.  Others suggested we should use the money for UUFM needs, such as building.  The board discussed the matter.  Kris reminded us of the original purpose of the offering was to establish our fellowship as a Òculture of giving.Ó Indeed as predicted by Tandi from PNWD, Bev said these offerings had increased considerably over time.  The board agree that the amount was not enough to substantially help with UUFM needs. Still to accommodate those who would like to give cash to UUFM rather than the charity, Ted moved that we add an envelope to the offering baskets specifically designated for UUFM.  Kris seconded.  The board voted unanimously and agreed to alert celebrants and greeters of the change.


Form for taping sermons

Barbara suggested we need a form for speakers outside UUFM to agree to audio taping their sermons and allow UUFM to post them on the website.  The board agreed and Barbara will create the form.


Round Robin


Sound System

Kris reminded the board that Eric needs relief from setting up, taking down, and transporting the Sound System each week.  She suggested getting 3 families or individuals to rotate this responsibility, a strategy that would also provide substitutes. 


Nominating Committee

Kris reminded the board that the Nominating Committee needed to be activated to fill at least 3 board spots as well as 3 Nominating Committee members and 2 Alternates for next year.  These spots will be voted on in May. (Their terms start immediately after the vote.)   Phil will contact Nominating Committee members.


General Assembly in June in Charlottesville

Kris will represent UUFM as a delegate.  Another delegate can attend as well.  Ted will let the board know if he can do it.


Next Board Meetings April 13, 2011 – BevÕs;



Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.

Submitted by Barbara Valentine

March 16, 2011