UUFM Board Meeting February 10, 2011


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Kris Gabrielsen, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine, Lynn Hughes, Bev Halverson Absent:  Ted deChatelet  Guest: Ken Moore

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:30pm. 

Pledge Drive/Budget Creation: 

 Ken Moore, who is heading up the Pledge Drive, attended a few minutes of the meeting to give the board some ideas related to creating the new budget.  He noted we want a building, a minister, possibly a new admin employee and he urged the board to think big about the budget, suggesting that the congregation will meet the funding challenge of a good vision.  He referred to the UUA Fair Share Giving Guide, which the board agreed to share at the upcoming Business meeting.


Minutes:  Bev moved and Marcia seconded to approve the January 4, 2011 minutes.  Unanimously approved.


Committee Reports

Finance: TreasurerÕs Report - UUFMÕs bank balance is $12,859.15.  Available cash $9317.22  Budget $25,834.  Pledges received: $18422; Total pledged: $27240.  Motion by Kris to approve TreasurerÕs Report, seconded by Lynn.   Approved unanimously. 

Bev presented a draft Proposed Budget comprised of input from the various committees.  The board discussed and modified the draft proposed budget line by line, deciding what to present to the congregation at the business meeting February 20, 2011.  As part of this discussion the board debated the need for a bookkeeper, who would handle the UUFM finances, including taxes and payroll for the DRE, which increasingly take a lot of BevÕs time as Treasurer.   Motion by Kris that the board investigate the cost of bookkeeper services and add it to the proposed budget.  Motion seconded by Barbara and approved unanimously. 


Worship Committee: The board reviewed the slate of presenters for upcoming sermons compiled by John Braun.   At the request of the Worship Committee, the board also discussed new candidates to join the Committee as terms expire in July.


Membership Committee:  Marcia presented the membership committee report.  Phil heartily commended Marcia and Bernie for their exceptional work greeting newcomers after services.  Marcia noted she enjoys doing this and thinks it is important for gaining members.  The board agreed.


RE Committee:  Quite a lot of time devoted to reading the RE Committee report trying to decide when board action required and when simply informational.   Board will look into ways the RE Committee can report needs more efficiently to the board. RE is caught up on background checks.  Board needs to work on Sexual Misconduct document next meeting to make sure it meshes with current policy.  Board needs to develop process to review DRE before new contract.  Christi will be off July and August.  RE classes should have priority over rooms they occupy each Sunday; if members will be using the rooms for activities after services, they need to allow classes time to finish in good order.



Welcoming Committee: Board discussed the UUA reply to our request to become a Welcoming Committee.  We need to have a vote to secure that name, but the parameters of the vote are ours to decide.  The board felt it was most appropriate to conduct a vote of all the members using e-mail.  The vote will be announced at the upcoming Fellowship business meeting and the ballots sent out via e-mail after the announcement.


Social Action Committee: Reported they will try to focus on a few projects they feel passionately about.  At the moment it looks like Transition Towns (Patriciafaye) and YCAP (Beth &Phil) projects are gaining most traction.


Building Committee: Eric Gabrielsen reported that Lynn and Eric are hosting a cottage meeting for Sunday February 27 at 2pm they will announce at the Feb. 20 service.  They hope to encourage 8 people help spearhead ways to fundraise.


Quarterly All Fellowship Business meeting: scheduled February 20, 2011.  Will advertise in Announcements.  Phil has already sent out the agenda to the members and friends well in advance of the 10 minimum required by bylaws.


PNWD conference:  Discussed February 5, 2011 conference. 


Round Robin: 

Kris mentioned celebrating UUFM third birthday sometime in April 17 when Patti Pomerantz speaks.

Barbara mentioned that Bernie needs to give up duties answering admin@macuuf.org.  Phil agreed to do this.  Barbara also mentioned that UUA has a way to set up membership online so that members will get the UUA magazine.  Marcia agreed to do this. Barbara will get her authorized.


Next Board Meetings: March 16, 2011 – PhilÕs;



Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm.

Submitted by Barbara Valentine

February 13, 2011