UUFM Board Meeting January 4, 2011


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Ted deChatelet, Kris Gabrielsen, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine, Lynn Hughes, Bev Halverson

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:30pm. 

Care and Concerns Committee - Lay Pastoral Care  Susan Marrant

Marcia, Susan, and Pam attended workshop on Pastoral Care -20Ó Face To Face.  Susan Marrant provided overview of the events.  ThereÕs a difference between Parish Care and Pastoral care.  We do Parish Care now – cards, rides, help getting to doctors, hospital visits, etc.  Pastoral Care is spiritual centered care based on UU principles, involves training, and preferably oversight by minister, although that is not required.   The Pastoral Care team should be selected, not self-appointed.  It is a two year commitment.  Salem UU added Lay Pastoral Care only when the new building increased membership and Rick Davis, Minister, asked for assistance with some elements of his Pastoral Care.  The Committee needs direction from the Board as to how to proceed.  The Board felt our congregation is too small to engage in Pastoral Care now, but it might be in our future.  We can begin small with our Parish Care, ask for help from Salem UU when needed, and then grow to Pastoral Care when the time is right.


Minutes:  Kris moved and Marcia seconded to approve the December 8, 2010 minutes.  Unanimously approved.


Committee Reports

Finance: UUFMÕs bank balance is $11,815.18.  Available cash $8878.91.  Budget $25,834.  Pledges received: $26,440.  Cash lower than normal because we are paying rent and PNWD dues in advance.  Bev having trouble getting input from committees for the budget – need everything by February 10 board meeting so we can publish it as agenda item for February 20 Business meeting.  Ted will work with Christi to get RE budget by January 14; Lynn will contact Patriciafaye about Welcoming Committee budget.  Phil will ask Ken about Worship Committee.  Bev will ask Barb Roush to work with her on budget. Motion by Marcia to approve TreasurerÕs Report, seconded by Ted.   Approved unanimously. 


Worship Committee: Phil reported that John Braun will com to the Board meeting quarterly to report on current list of speakers.  First visit will be March Board meeting.  Joan Kriegen to be responsible for Order of Service, but problems getting into the Google list to do it.  Still to be worked out.


Membership Committee:  Marcia, Susan , Phil, Nancy, Bernie on this committee now.  They decided that instead of spending $50 for an online ad, the will create small packets of information and hand them out at the service to interested people, those clearly asking for more than a little information.  They will make 25 test packets.  Phil talked with Nancy about Greeters – Nancy has to resign this position.


RE Committee:  Littles Room getting lots of infants which is impacting teaching of other children.  Need to consider separating infants, maybe renting another room for them.  Ted will talk with Christi about this.  Cross-generational activity – swimming at city pool – January 29?  Kris will send out online survey to poll potential attendance.  Small fee will be charged for attendees.


Building Committee. Do we want a capital campaign?  Reviewed the Building Committee report that listed steps toward getting a building.  First step is to create a 6-member committee.  Kris suggested if we do that to include ÒCottage ConversationsÓ whereby Committee members talk with small group of members to gauge willingness to proceed further.  Motion: Ted moved to request that the Building Committee move forward to Step 1 and create a 6-member Committee and hold Cottage Meetings.  Kris seconded motion.  Six members approved, 1 opposed.


Quarterly All Fellowship Business meeting: scheduled February 20, 2011.  Will advertise in Announcements.  Phil will post agenda 10 days before meeting.  So far the agenda includes Budget, Priorities set at the Annual Retreat,  Animal Fellowship, and RE Report from Christi.  Phil and Barbara will work up a job description for potential administrative employee to discuss at Business meeting.


PNWD conference:  February 5, 2011.  Banner created by Susan and Marcia, but local artist designed the content for free. Motion: Marcia moved and Lynn seconded that UUFM give artist a gift certificate, up to $50.  Approved unanimously.


Governance Discussion

We talked about how to handle email discussions on important issues that occur or need action before we will meet again. We all agreed that email can be a complex way to have a discussion.  We will strive to use multiple ways to communicate, including phone trees, email, and survey monkey.  We will be mindful of the limitations of email, but have votes if necessary.


Phil provided information from UUA   Governance should match the fellowship size.  We are a ÒFamilyÓ fellowship, so we shouldnÕt operate like a larger organization. Our By-Laws work for a fellowship that is much bigger.  We probably need to revise the By-Laws soon. 


Round Robin:  Care and Concerns Committee trying to get a Book Discussion Group together.  Wendell to lead the first book group.  TBA


Next Board Meetings: February 10, 2011 – MarciaÕs;




Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm.


Submitted by Barbara Valentine

January 4, 2011