UUFM Board Board Meeting November 16, 2010


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Ted deChatelet, Kris Gabrielsen, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine,  Lynn Hughes, Bev Halverson

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:40pm. 

Committee Reports

á       Finance: UUFMÕs bank balance is $13683.22.  Available cash $10,513.36.  Pledges received: $26440. Motion by Marcia to approve TreasurerÕs Report, seconded by Ted.   Approved unanimously.


á       Welcoming Committee:  Application for Welcoming Congregation status completed with a few signatures needed.  Barbara will mail. Kris said reported 14 people attended first movie of UUFM BGLT Film Series   Good discussion afterward.  Looking for ways to advertise better.  Kris will send flyer to board for distribution as possible. Phil will ask the Interfaith Group for Justice which also has a film series to distribute our flyer to their distribution list.


á       Worship Committee:  December 5 compulsory training for celebrants.  Schedule change: Craig Moro injured foot.  Pam will speak November 21.  Phil related schedule through April. Jan 2: Rev. Bernier Turner, retired FBC;  Jan 16 Sally Godard, psychiatrist and recent grad of the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley; Feb 6 Jane Grover, BaÕhai;  March 6, Rev. Susan McGinn; March 20 Ken Moore;  April 3 Rev. Susan McGinn;  April 17 Rev. Patti Pomerantz.


Quarterly All Fellowship Business meeting: scheduled January 16, 2011.  Will advertise in Announcements.  Phil will post agenda 10 days before meeting.


Followup on Board Retreat: Re Membership, Marcia said she called NewsRegister about classified ads: $57 for calling card size.  Can use NR webpage with rotating ad in big box: $50.  Bill board: $3000.  Phil noted that strongest thing we have is our membership – word of mouth, inviting friends.  Membership committee includes Nancy, Susan, Phil, Marcia, and Bernie.  Social Action Committee: Susan, Beth, Phil, Phoebe, Patriciafaye.


Building Committee. No new info


Background checks – New DRE needs to give Ted her form still.


Religious Education Director:  Kristi Olsen submitted report.  Board OKÕd her request to distribute Guest at Your Table boxes next service.  Will put her on the board meeting agenda for next time.


Web Site Task Force:  Not much new – continuing to update. Will add DRE info as receives it.


Sound system – no new info


PNWD conference:  February 5, 2011.  $75 full day, $45 half day if register before Dec. 20.  Cost more than anticipated.  Probably will not get enough people to hire bus.

UUA annual conference: June 2011 in Charlotte NC.  Can get $1000 grant.  Motion by Bev to award the grant to the Gabrielsen family who plan to go. Seconded by Ted  and approved  by board with one abstention (Kris).


Next Board Meeting:  December 8  at 6:30 – BevÕs house.


Meeting adjourned 8:15 pm.


Submitted by Barbara Valentine

November 16, 2010