UUFM Board Board Meeting October 13, 2010


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Ted deChatelet, Kris Gabrielsen, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine       Absent:  Lynn Hughes Bev Halverson  Special guests: Jolynn Moore, Eric Gabrielsen

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at 6:30pm. 

Building Task Force Update:  Jolynn and Eric briefed that Board on their findings so far about the Alpine street property.  Included drawings of site as is, ideas for what could go in it, and some initial cost estimates for sanctuary.  Eric talked about funding from UUA.  UUFM needs a detailed membership growth plan and to complete a capital campaign for a general loan.  Can also apply for 1st home grant program that can be 10% of financial commitments up to $25000.  Lots of details, projections, and questions to address.  All agreed that no matter the outcome of this property, the experience is good for any search.

Motion by Kris to approve Minutes from September meeting.   Ted seconded.  Approved unanimously. 

Committee Reports

á       Finance:  Bev Halverson was out but provided written report.  UUFMÕs bank balance is $13390.91.  Available cash $10,819.05. Motion by Marcia to approve TreasurerÕs Report, seconded by Barbara.   Approved unanimously.


á       Welcoming Committee:  Phil presented draft letter from Committee.  Barbara will forward to membership for feedback, deadline two weeks.  Report from the Committee included.  Kris said she will spearhead a UUFM BGLT Film Series  whereby volunteers will each coordinate a film for first Wednesday of each month.  Locations yet to be determined.


á       Worship Committee:  Brainstormed a list of potential celebrants for the next year and will send to Committee.  John Braun (replaces Beth) will arrange speakers for next year.


Board Retreat: October 23 @ PhilÕs (8:30am – 1pm)  Agenda will include followup on All-Fellowship Retreat, Building Task Force report, Board mechanics, membership drive, capital campaign, and what we want to accomplish in the coming year.


Background checks – New DRE checked.  Ted talked about the process of background checks.  UUFM has completed 15 checks, none has ever been redone.  Ted will retain the reports and send copies to Barbara (Secretary.)  Each check will be repeated every 2 years.  TedÕs background check will be done by someone else Bernie.


Religious Education Director:  Kristi Olsen is energetic DRE.  Ted will set up communication loop to help focus her questions.


Web Site Task Force:  first meeting Oct. 6.  Barbara included report.  Will discuss more at Board Retreat.


Sound system – still need procedure to manage the sound system.  Discussion tabled until we know more about new building potential .


PNWD conference:  February 5, 2011.  Create banner, hire bus.

UUA annual conference: June 2011 in Charlotte NC.  Can get $1000 grant.  Solicit congregation for those who might want to attend.


Next Board Meeting:   yet to be determined.


Meeting adjourned 9:08 pm.


Submitted by Barbara Valentine

October 17, 2010