All Fellowship Retreat – September 26, 2010

Judy SpinnerÕs house: 1:30-5pm

Approximately 25-30 members and Janine for UUA PNWDistrict


á       Elliott opened meeting with Painters Creative process to motivate us to recreate ourselves with a clear mission.  Introductions included personal stories as yet untold to members of the group.

á       Kris reviewed the agenda & process.  She priorities set in past retreats.

á       Ted started by encouraging us to brainstorm a list of topics we might want to cover today.    Assess how we have addressed the priorities set at  previous retreats: How have we done? What did we accomplish? What are we missing? What needs improvement? Do we still agree on priorities we previously set? What do we want to do next?


1.     Religious Education Program for Adults.  Many accomplishments,  good job for now.

á       Welcoming Committee RE

á        Linda Olds Series

á       UU 101

á       Discussion group on new Cosmology

2.     Religious Education for Kids

á       Mystery Friends program (Kris)

á       Accomplished 3 major goals set during last yearÕs retreat (Barb)

3.     Social Community:  Not as many opportunities as weÕd like

á       Increase opportunities to meet socially

á       Space for longer coffee hour

á       Picnic

á       Deepen own spiritual practice combined with others

á       Poster listing where members volunteer

á       Identify UUs: Wear UU chalice pins during volunteer work; T-Shirt sales

4.     Community Action: need to get more involved

á       Transition Towns –

á       Phone tree for short term volunteer work

á       Social Action with others communities of faith

á       Soup kitchen

5.     Minister

6.     New building: Jolynn talked about potential property on Alpine street

7.     UU Conference opportunities:

á       Pacific NW District February 5;

á        UUA National June 22-26 in Charlotte NC

8.     Senior Center Logistics:  agreed to $15/mo setup fee.  Coffee hour, sound system

9.     Choir

10.  Christmas play

Top 3 priorities for retreat focus:

1.     Collective / Social Action

2.     Social Opportunities

3.     New Building

Discussion of each new priority: Issues, considerations

1.     Collective / Social Action

á       Phone Tree for short term volunteer work

á       Re- formulate Social Action Committees

á       Poster Board (to display in services) listing where volunteers spending time

á       Transition Towns

á       Social action team to coordinate activities?

á       Graphics team to make T-shirts

á       Select one effort  rather than spread thin

á       YCAP, Soup kitchen continuing

á       Cosmology group could activate for  Gran Island

Next best step:  Establish a Committee to coordinate logistics

2.     Building purchase

á       UUA has grants and loans (Janine discussed)

á       Committee to look at numbers, legal issues, coordination

á       Issues: Janine mentioned several pros and cons

Next best step: Fact finding Committee for Alpine Street location

3.     Social Opportunities

á       Coffee hour

á       Picnic

á       Circle suppers

á       Networking coordination: Social activities director who could facilitate getting people together

á       Other venues to have social occasions

á       Souper Sunday a la Salem UU

Next step:  Need coordinator to sign up party hosts



Actions Steps:

1.     Social Action Committee:  can act as planning group, not the doers.  Once they get a plan, they can solicit others for action: Beth, Phil, Phoebe, Patriciafaye, Judy

2.     Building purchase:  Fact Finding Task Force: Eric, Barb, and Jolynn

3.     Social Opportunities Committee:  coordinator to sign up party hosts: Kristi Olsen




Reported by Barbara Valentine, October 10, 2010