UUFM Board Board Meeting August 4, 2010


Present: Phil Newman (Chair), Ted deChatelet, Kris Gabrielsen, Lynn Hughes, Bev Halverson, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine      

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman at  6:30pm.

Motion by Marcia to approve Minutes from June meeting.   Kris seconded.  Approved unanimously. 

Bev Halverson gave the Treasurer’s Report.  UUFM’s bank balance is $13,933.73.  Available cash $10,076.38.  Motion by Ted to approve Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Marcia.   Approved unanimously.


Committee Reports

·         Finance:   Bev presented the Audit Team Report submitted by Brian DeMarco and Greg Valentine on July 25, 2010.  The Board discussed the content and addressed each of the 4 recommendations (included).  Phil will reply formally to the Audit Team with the Board responses:

1)      We appreciate the suggestion to review and revise the Policy and Procedure Manual.  Motion by Kris, seconded by Ted, approved unanimously : We do not agree due to the fact that the Board just completed a review and voted to approve the Manual in the last fiscal year.  But it is a good suggestion for the future.

2)      Bank statements should be reviewed by another Board member before Treasurer sees them.  Motion by Barbara, seconded by Kris, approved unanimously:  We accept this recommendation.  Various Board members will open and approve bank statements during the monthly meetings.

3)      Revise By Law Section 9.2 re: $1000 limitation

4)      Revise By Law Section 9.2 re: $1000 expenditure change

The Board spent the better part of two meetings last year discussing this provision.  A developing congregation has to incur certain expenses to foster growth.  The expense has been used once in 3 years, thereby reducing this particular cost to a $333 annual expense.  Motion by Ted, seconded by Lynn, approved unanimously: We do not agree to Recommendations 3 and 4 on the basis that $1000 seems a reasonable limit. 

·         Welcoming Committee:  Report (included).  No questions or concerns at this time.  Phil will contact the Committee to recommend Board approval of correspondence sent by Committee to UUA.

·         Worship Committee:  Board feels that children leaving service at different times does not seem to be working.  Recommends going back to children leaving at one time through Love Arch.  Activities such as Birthday Pig and Joys and Concerns can occur in the classroom to better advantage.   Phil will call Ken to relay the Board concern and suggestion.

·         Membership Committee:  Marcia delivered verbal report.  We have 33 members signed up, which is more than the 30 required to apply for membership with UUA in September.  We expect a few more to sign as well.  Will get Marilyn Worrix to create book for official signing.


Annual All-Fellowship Retreat:  September 26, 2010.  Planning team includes Bernie, Elliott, and Nancy


Background checks – Ted still working to get 3 checks done.

Board Retreat – moved date to October 23, 2010 8:30am – 1:00pm at Phil’s house.


UUA Application process:  all seems in order for applying for membership in September


Religious Education Director:  One application sent to Barb and Eric (RE Chair) – no responses yet.  Ted will follow-up.


Web Site Issues:  Barbara, the new Webmaster, looked at UUA recommendations for creating and maintaining fellowship web sites.  UUA suggests that our web site is an important component of our public image and the appearance and content play a role in how we are perceived.    Several  members of a congregation, beyond the web technician, ought to be involved in its creation and maintenance, including deciding upon guidelines for content and appearance.  Motion by Kris, seconded by Marcia, approved unanimously:   To create a Web Site Content and Oversight Team.  Barbara will recruit the Team, which she hopes will recommend guidelines, provide avenues for content, and review the web site regularly.


Administrative Notebook Issues:  Bernie gave Barbara the Admin Notebook, which includes both history and important legal documents.  At some point, she and Bev will review the book to see if it makes sense to separate the historic and the functional.


Round Table:   

·         Sound system – Kris bought and is currently storing the new sound system.  We need someone to be responsible for setting it up and storing it each week.  Board suggested ways to store in UUFM Senior Center cabinet.  Will announce need for Sound System coordinator at  next service.

·         Next Board Meeting:  Wednesday, September 8, 2010 6:30pm at Barbara’s


Meeting adjourned 9:00pm


Submitted by Barbara Valentine

August 7, 2010