UUFM Board Meeting July 1, 2010


Present: Phil Newman, Kris Gabrielsen, Lynn Hughes, Bev Halverson, Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine        Absent: Ted deChatelet

Meeting called to order by Phil Newman, new Chair at 6:30pm.

Motion by Barbara to approve Minutes from June meeting.   Bev seconded.  Approved unanimously. 

Bev Halverson gave the Treasurer’s Report.  UUFM’s bank balance is $12,855.77.  Available cash $10,846.27.  Motion by Kris, seconded by Barbara and approved unanimously to:

·         put $3000 in new CD for Building Fund.  Bev will find best rate CD.

·         Put $2000 in Money Market Reserve Fund

·         Put $2800 into newly established restricted fund for Denominational Membership.  This will ensure that we have what we need to pay UUA for membership each year.

·         Carryover $3046.27 to next month.

Audit Team to review books:  Greg Valentine and Brian DeMarco will be the audit team this year. Greg and Brian will set the time to do this.

Annual All Fellowship Retreat slated for September 26, 2010 @ Judy Spinner’s house.

·        Purpose: Long term planning to develop master plan for the fellowship.  Goal: group consensus.

·        Phil will organize planning team of 3 and locate a professional facilitator.


Check-signers follow-up:  Four board members can now sign checks for UUFM: Barbara, Bev, Kris, Phil


Background checks: Ted taking over this function from Bernie.  One check is already in process.


Board Retreat plans: Slated for Sunday, August 29.  Agenda:  board will set its annual goals


Conflict of Interest annual signing of statement:  all board members signed


Composition of Executive Committee: Phil wondered who the third person would be on the executive committee to make decisions in emergency, as the bylaws stipulate that the Chair, Vice Chair and one board member will comprise the executive committee.  It was decided that the one board member would be selected at the time of an emergency to make decisions on behalf of the full board along with the Chair and Vice Chair.


UUA Application on road to meet  September 20 deadline:   what is necessary:

·         Cover sheet with information (Bev completed)

·         30 members required for membership to UUA:  we have 17 so far.  Waiting for more “members” to submit official applications. We believe there may be confusion by some who signed original list for membership two years ago about requirement to “re-sign” under official application process.  Marcia will contact those “members” still needing to complete the process.

·         Letter of support from UUA Trustee: Kris is contacting Tandi to help with that


Hiring of RE Director position: Ted had one person interested. Kris was pursuing another


Requested change to RE and Childcare and Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures:  Discussed various changes to one part of this document. Kris moved, Lynn seconded and we unanimously approved the following change of the RE and Childcare and Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures document

·         Item 1B will now read: “Window coverings will be open in any classroom or meeting space at all times.”

·         Bev will update the document and send copy to Barbara and Phil.  Barbara will keep most current copy in print and post to website.


Length of time of services.  Services have been going longer than 1 hour, sometimes to 1.5 hours.  The Worship Team wanted the Board to weigh in on this problem.  We discussed  various options and agreed with the Worship Team's recommendation to “aim for” 1 hour 15 minutes maximum.  We all agreed that the sermon should get the prominent consideration for time in the service.


Fellowship Quarterly Business Meeting set for September 19 after the service. 


Round Table Q&A, comments:  Barbara will get “Big Book” of documents from Bernie.  She also volunteered to manage the UUFM web site and will contact Bernie about that.  This will allow the secretary to post minutes, revise documents, and add communication as needed.


Next board meeting Wednesday, August 4, 6:30-8:30 at Marcia’s house.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Valentine