UUFM Board Meeting – June 9, 2010

Present: Kris Gabrielsen, Ted deChatelet, Bev Halverson, Phil Newman (via conference phone), Marcia Blevins, Barbara Valentine        Absent: Lynn Hughes

Meeting called to order by Kris Gabrielsen at 6:00 pm.

Bev Halverson gave the Treasurer’s Report.  UUFM’s bank balance is $14,582.27. Available cash is $11,686.62.

Background Checks: Ted deChatelet will take over the background checks.  He will contact Bernie McGinnis to review the procedure.

Credit Card for UUFM:  The Board discussed the idea of obtaining a credit card to be used for UUFM expenses.  There would be an annual fee.  After discussion, it was unanimous, at this time, not to apply for a credit card.

Audit of UUFM books: It was decided to ask the Nominating Committee to move forward with selecting two non-Board Fellowship members to audit the books sometime this summer, once the books have been closed at the end of June.

Fellowship Business Meeting: The Board set the date for the next Fellowship Business Meeting – it will be September 19, 2010 after the service.

Committee Reports:  Kris led a review of the UUFM committee reports. No Board action is required as a result of this review.

Election of Board Officers:  Brief discussion produced the following slate of officers: Chair – Phil Newman; Vice Chair – Lynn Hughes; Treasurer – Bev Halverson; Secretary – Barbara Valentine.  Ted made a motion to elect these officers; Marcia seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Phil opened the issue of membership growth.  He feels that we need to poll the membership to see whether people want the group to grow or remain as it stands. Kris suggested that we do long range planning during the All-Fellowship Retreat which can include a focus on membership.

Conflict of Interest Policy: Board members will need to sign the “UUFM Annual Statement of Affirmation” at the next Board meeting once they have reviewed the policy.

Signing Checks:  Two Board members are needed to co-sign checks over $50. In addition to Kris Gabrielsen and Bev Halverson, it was proposed that new Board members, Barbara Valentine and Phil Newman will register at First Federal to co-sign UUFM checks. Bernie McGinnis will remove his name at the bank as he is no longer a Board member.  Phil made a motion to add Phil Newman and Barbara Valentine as co-signers, and to remove Bernie McGinnis.  Barbara Valentine seconded this motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Annual Fellowship Retreat:  Suggested date is Sunday, September 26, 2010.  Marcia will ask Judy Spinner is she would host this retreat.  The purpose of the meeting will be Long Term Planning.  Kris recommended a Planning Team be formed.  She also suggested that we bring in an outside Facilitator.  Some discussion ensued on how to find this person.  Ted will ask Brenda Marshall (Linfield) if she has suggestions.  We will also ask Tricia Crawford if she knows someone who could do the facilitating. Ted suggested that we put an announcement in the Order of Service for volunteers for the Planning Team. 

UUA Application: Kris reviewed what is left to be done for our late summer application. The cover form needs to be completed; Bev will do this.  A Trustee Letter of Support is needed; Kris will ask Tandi for help on this.

Board Retreat: This is described as a time for the 7 Board members to get together to set goals, have lunch, etc.  The Board decided to put this on the July Board meeting agenda.

Hiring the RE Director:  Ted brought the Board up to date on the process for hiring a part-time Director of Religious Education.  He has sent a letter describing the position to near-by congregations. After discussion, Ted will also contact the Education Departments at Linfield and Western Oregon University to spread the word about the position to Education students.  UUFM friends and members will be notified via e-mail with details about the position.

Increasing UUFM insurance:  Should we increase the maximum allowed coverage for sexual molestation coverage?  The premium to do so would be $183.  Brief discussion.  It was moved and seconded to increase the coverage to $500,000 per incident/ $1,000,000 per annual aggregate.  The motion passed unanimously.

Summer Board Meetings:  Thursday, July 1, 6:30-8:30, at Bev’s house

                                                     Wednesday, August 4, 6:30-8:30, at Marcia’s house

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Marcia Blevins