Kris Gabrielsen opened the meeting at 12:00 P.M. after declaring the presence of a quorum.  Twenty-one members were in attendance.




 Bev Halverson asked us to look over the changes made to the budget that was presented on February 18, 2010.  These revisions have been made as a result of the Pledge Drive falling short of expectations. After Bev explained the changes, Ken Moore moved to approve the original budget as proposed in the left hand column as written on February 18, 2010. The motion was seconded by Barbara Roush.  The motion failed to pass a vote.


Ted de Chatelet moved that we accept the modified budget in the right hand column as proposed by the Board on May 2, 2010.  Eric Gabrielsen seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.





Nominees for the Board are:  Marcia Blevens, Phil Newman, Barbara Valentine.


Nominees for the Nominating Committee are:  Leah Bloom, Walt Gowell,  Ken Moore.


Nominees for  Alternates on the Nominating Committee are:  Vicky Wilbanks, Alene Jacobs.


Eric  Gabrielsen and Bonnie Cave announced the result of the vote:  All nominees elected.


Kris Gabrielsen presented gifts of appreciation to retiring Board Members, Patriciafaye Marshall, Bernie McGinnis and Pam Bergen.  Patriciafaye Marshall presented Kris Gabrielsen with a gift in appreciation for her leadership as Chair of the Board from the Fellowship’s inception.


UUA Application:


The Fellowship will submit the application for membership in UUA in September 2010. Marcia Blevens, Membership Chair, is arranging for a Membership Book to be created by Marilyn Worrix for members to sign when joining the Fellowship.  Marcia and her committee have designed a membership application form and a form explaining what membership entails.  This will include a Pledge form and UUA’s Seven Principles.  A special service will be held in July for all members to  sign the new Membership book.



Hiring a RE Director:


Now that the budget has been passed the search for a new RE Director will begin.  The hope is to have someone in place by July 1, 2010.


Ken Moore, Worship Committee Chair, moved that when the bell is wrung at the start of our service quiet should prevail.  Jolynn Moore seconded the motion.  It was suggested that an appropriate statement be included in the order of service requesting the congregation to comply. The Worship Committee will work on this. The motion was unanimously approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,



Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary