Kris Gabrielsen opened the meeting at 12:15 P.M. after declaring a quorum was present.  18 members were in attendance. The Fellowship has 36 members.


Budget:  Bev Halverson presented the proposed budget for 2010-2011 which will be voted on at our May 16th meeting. There were a number of new line items for 2010-11 including:


*  $5,000 plus $1000 for a part-time RE Director. The additional $1000 is for employment taxes 

*  Care Concerns Committee

*  Welcoming Congregation Committee


A discussion following regarding hiring a paid, part-time RE Director. Kris Gabrielsen explained the Board’s position on hiring a paid, part time  RE Director. She emphasized that a strong RE program is vital for our Fellowship’s growth and future.  We have experienced a 100% growth in membership in the three years of our existence.  The RE  team (Ted deChatelet, Eric Gabrielsen and Barbara Roush) has prepared a job application, description and recommendations for hiring a RE Director. A discussion followed with a number of members voicing their concern about paying a Director.  Some asked if a member shouldn't volunteer for this job.  Others voiced the thought that paying someone was the only way to get a qualified person. One asked if the job could be broken up so that volunteers could be in charge of different aspects. The need for one person to hold the big picture was emphasized which might be difficult if the job was divided up among many people. After considerable talk, Kris Gabrielsen suggested that this topic needed more discussion. It was decided that we would have a special Business Meeting on April 18th after our service for further discussion.  At that time hard copies of the RE Director job description will be available for all to review.


Joining the UUA:   Kris Gabrielsen explained that the Board feels we are ready and should apply to UUA in May. We would pay dues for May and June 2009-2010. With the start of the fiscal year in July 2010 we would be liable for dues of $80.00 per member for fiscal year 2010-11. This can be paid anytime during the 2010-11 fiscal year.   Kris explained the advantages of membership and stated that UUA wants us to apply when we feel we are ready.  A discussion pointed out that there are not enough benefits for us at this time and that the money would be better spent on increasing our membership. Others like the fact that with membership we can call on UUA for advice about music programs and other Fellowship concerns. When would we feel ready?  It was pointed out that the longer we put off membership our Fellowship will be considered a club of like minded individuals  rather than a growing UU Fellowship. Jolynn Moore moved that we apply to UUA in May. Eric Gabrielsen seconded the motion. Bev Halverson pointed out that the line item for UUA dues has been in our budget for the previous two fiscal years. It is not a new line item. No further discussion. The motion passed with 17 ayes (3 proxies) and 3 nays.


Inviting a Regular Speaker to come once a month:


Ken Moore felt that we needed more discussion on this matter.  It was shared that we will need thoughtful consideration in selecting who will be the regular speaker and we are not ready to choose at this time. However, the idea of  having a regular speaker is a good idea. Jolynn Moore moved that we vote on inviting a regular speaker to come once a month for the upcoming school year.  Leah Bloom seconded.  No further discussion.  The motion passed with 15 ayes and 2 nays. Further discussion will be held on this matter in June.


Kris Gabrielsen adjourned the meeting at 1:15 P.M.



Respectfully submitted,



Pamela H.Bergen, Secretary