Present:  Bergen, Gabrielsen, Halverson, Marshall, McGinnis


Kris Gabrielsen opened the meeting at 6:30 and gave a description of her weekend at the PNWD Assembly in Bellevue, WA on February 20, 2010.  She received an Addiction Ministry Handbook for future use if needed. One of the UU congregations in the Portland area runs a family camp in Vernonia, OR from July 1-4.  Reasonable rates with lots of activities for all.  Bernie McGinnis will put the information on our website.


Kris attended a workshop on Leadership in Anxious Times. The main points were at times of change it is advisable to let the Fellowship know well in advance what you are proposing.  A face to face meeting is generally the best to way to resolve  issues that are tricky.  Polarity management is needed when two divergent points of view can't be reconciled. Instead, both points of view need to be incorporated. The leaders are often ahead of the congregants – so provide time for all to contribute points of view.  In a small congregation instead of asking individuals to join committees it can be more effective to have small committees and then divide up tasks and ask for help on the tasks. 


Susan Maginn led a workshop on Chalice Circle Sundays.  During Chalice Circle Sundays, a chalice circle is held in place of the sermon.  It has the feel of a Quaker meeting.  Patriciafaye Marshall will inform Worship Committee of this type of service.


In 2011 the PNWD Assembly will be held in Portland at First Church.


Budget:  Cash on Hand:  $12,108.89

               Building Fund  $1,684.68

               Reserve Fund   $4,006.83


Bev Halverson reported that she has paid our insurance policy - $605.00.  She has worked up a Potential Income/Expenses 4th quarter 2009/2010.  This anticipates that as of June 2010 the Fellowship will have $9,433.00.  Bev will give this  report at the March 21st Business Meeting.


The Fellowship will be asked to vote on whether we should apply for membership in the UUA at the March 21st Business Meeting.  If it is felt that there is a need for further discussion on this matter, the vote will be postponed.


Beverly Halverson moved that we send $100.00 to PNWD for the registration fee for the pastoral training session to be held on April 17th in Portland. Patriciafaye Marshall seconded the motion.  There was some discussion about the importance of knowing what is  appropriate for pastoral care and the importance of our CCC team getting the training.  The motion passed unanimously.


Policies and Procedures Manual:


There was a bit of a misunderstanding about the Welcoming Congregation Committee's contribution to the manual.  It was agreed, after some discussion, that it is important to agree on what a policy is and what procedure is.  The process of coordinating with committee heads to do this will be done in the future.  The CD-Rom with the draft manual files has been given to Bernie McGinnis and Patriciafaye Marshall to read. Bernie McGinnis offered a definition of policy: “Policy is stating what is appropriate and what is not.”


Committee Reports:


CCC members Susan Marrant, Pam Bergen and Marcia Blevins will be attending the training session on April 17th for pastoral care.


Religious Education:  Need to hire a RE Director


Welcoming Committee:  There is a need for more volunteers to lead the workshops to be held later in the year.


Worship:  The Senior Center regrets that set-up for our March 7th service did not happen. Jolynn Moore is interested in attending a UUA Music Camp in Madison, WI in July.  The approximate cost to the Fellowship would be $1000.00.  Bernie McGinnis suggested that the Fellowship needs to set a policy for attending meetings of this sort.  This matter has been tabled until the April Board Meeting.


Pledge Drive:


At the April 4th service there will be a short program describing the pledge process.  At the April 18th Service pledge forms will be handed out to be filled by members and friends.  Patriciafaye Marshall mentioned that April 18th is our third anniversary.


Adult RE Committee:  Kris Gabrielsen feels that this is not the best time to start a new committee.  All agreed.


RE Director Application Process:


At this time Patriciafaye Marshall was excused from the meeting as she  has stated that she is interested in applying for the position of RE Director.


A review of the RE Director application, job description and timeline has been organized by Ted deChatelet.  He will e-mail this to the Board members.  The Board suggested that the Interview Team members be Ted deChatelet, Eric Gabrielsen and Barbara Roush. After the Interview Team has finished the interview process they will be asked to make their recommendation to the Board for its approval.


The next meeting will be held at Bernie McGinnis’s home on April 15th at 6:00 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:45.




 Respectfully submitted,




Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary