Present:  Bergen, deChatelet, Gabrielsen, Halverson, Hughes, Marshall, McGinnis


Kris Gabrielsen opened the meeting at 6:30 P.M.


She handed out a new UUFM members and friends contact sheet.


·         Budget:


Bev Halverson reported that there has been an increase in our rent at the Senior Center due to their agreeing to set up for our services.  Thanks to  Ted deChatelet and Bernie McGinnis who paid for the Christmas ads we ran in the News Register.


Cash on Hand:  $13,054.87

Building Fund:  $1,684.68

Reserve Fund:  $4,004.70


Bev is pulling together the 2010-11 Budget and will ask Committee Heads to send her  their budget needs by mid-February.


·         Application to UUA for Membership:


Kris reported that there is some reluctance to pay the UUA fee on the part of some members. A discussion followed  about having the Fellowship members vote on our applying for membership. Patriciafaye Marshall moved that we have the Fellowship members vote about joining UUA in June 2010 at our March 21st Business Meeting. Bev Halverson seconded.  Kris Gabrielsen will advise the Fellowship on the pros and cons for membership at the February 7th service and through e-mail.  The motion was approved unanimously.


·         Board Goals:


Bernie McGinnis created a UUFM flyer which he and other Membership Committee members distributed around McMinnville.  He will bring more to the February 7th service for volunteers to distribute.


Ted deChatelet has created a Facebook page for UUFM.


·         Committee Reports:


o        Worship Committee: There are several new members of the committee which will ease the responsibilities of  all.


o        Welcoming Congregation Committee:  Patriciafaye reported that she is looking for some new members.  She explained the committee’s agenda for  beginning the process of making the Fellowship  a Welcoming Congregation. This includes a congregational survey, planning for Launch Day (Aril 4th) and setting up six workshops.  The workshops will be held at Judy Spinner’s starting in May.


o        Children’s Religious Education Committee:


Kris Gabrielsen, Barbara Roush, Ted de Chatelet and Eric Gabrielsen met and created a summary of needs and a job description for a Director of Religious Education. They agreed that twelve hours per service at $15.00 an hour would be offered to whoever is hired.  This amounts to about $5,000.00 per year.  This will be a line item in the 2010-11 draft budget.  The announcement of this position will be made at the March 21st service.  The job description, application and process will be reviewed at the next Board Meeting after further work by the RE Committee.


o        Membership Committee:


Bernie McGinnis asked to be relieved of his chairmanship of the Membership Committee.  Kris Gabrielsen will start the search for a new chairman. Marcia Blevins and Brian DeMarco were suggested. She will also ask Karl Severance to take over managing the UUFM website from Bernie.  After some discussion it was decided that in the future any delinquent members will be contacted by the Membership Committee.  In the event that there is need that the Care Concerns Committee can fulfill, Susan Marrant will be contacted.


o        Care Concerns Committee:


The committee’s official name was announced – Care Concerns.  Patriciafaye Marshall will introduce the committee to the Fellowship at the February 7th service.  Patriciafaye Marshall asked that we recognize that the Care Concerns Committee has three recognized members who can provide lay ministry counseling to our Fellowship when asked to do so.  They are Nakota Ashtarte, Vern Hakro and Patriciafaye Marshall.


o        Bev Halverson and Pam Bergen will organize the Policy Manual.



·         Pledge Drive:


Ken Moore and Phil Newman have agreed to co-chair the Pledge Drive for 2010-11. They will send an e-mail to all current pledgers asking them to give an estimate of their pledge for next year (Increase, decrease, stay the same).  The Pledge Drive will be announced at the April 4th service and then will begin on April 18th.


·         Endowment Fund:


Beverly Halverson agreed to ask UUA how to set up an endowment fund and to check with UUC of Salem on their plan.


·         Logistics and Facilities:


Ken Moore and Phil Newman will speak to the Fellowship about breaking down after our service with help from all present.


·         Bernie McGinnis moved that we send a gift of $100.00 to the Newberg Christian Church in honor of Elaine Taylor. Patriciafaye Marshall seconded. Passed unanimously.


·         Patriciafaye Marshall moved that we have a special offering on February 7th to collect money to send to Mercy Corp for Haiti.  Lynne Hughes seconded.  Passed unanimously.


The next Board Meeting will be held on February 18th at 6:00 P.M. at Bernie McGinnis’s home.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.


                                                            Respectfully submitted,



                                                            Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary