Kris Gabrielsen opened the meeting at 12:00 P.M. after declaring that a quorum was present.  23 members and friends were in attendance.


Agenda Items:


Terms of Board Members: 


As of May 2010, the terms for Pam Bergen, Bernie McGinnis and Patriciafaye Marshall will expire.  In May of 2011, the terms for Ted deChatelet, Kris Gabrielsen, Beverly Halverson and Lynn Hughes will expire.  In May of 2010 it will be necessary to elect three new members to the Board.  All for two year terms.


Policy Regarding Paying UUFM members for services:


At this time the only persons who are paid are outside speakers, RE baby sitters and musicians. All of these people are not currently employees of UUFM. UUFM members are not to receive any remuneration. The exception will be if we hire employees, then members will be eligible to apply for those positions. It was suggested that members could be paid and return their money to the Fellowship.  Kris Gabrielsen said that the Board had considered this, but felt it was challenging to implement because you can't force someone to donate back to the Fellowship and other issues arise as well.


Cash Collection Policy:


At this time our cash collection is donated to a different local charity for each quarter of the year.  Kris Gabrielsen suggested that it might be wise to reserve one collection per quarter for special needs that arise during the year.  It was suggested that a line item be added to the budget for urgent needs.  It was also suggested a percentage of the cash collected be set aside for a UUFM urgent fund line item.  It was suggested that some attendees might be happier knowing that their cash donation was going to UUFM and be less interested in a charitable donation to an outside organization.  The line item would make it possible for the Board, in conjunction with the membership, to  decide when a special need arises. Kris Gabrielsen assured the meeting that all these suggestions would be considered by the Board.


Clean-up after Services:


The need for a coordinator to organize the clean-up was emphasized.  Ken Moore, Worship Committee Chair, agreed that the Worship Committee should be in charge of putting up and taking down the chairs, tables and moving the piano. Phil Newman agreed to organize this with the help of the Youth Group. The other items that need to be put away (chalice, our logo tapestry, Hymn books and miscellaneous items) will be also need to be put in the cupboard each time.  The RE, Membership tags  and Coffee  equipment will be taken care of by those in charge of those committees. Phil and Ken agreed to meet to put together a plan to ensure a smooth process at the end of each service.


Welcoming Congregation Committee:


Patriciafaye Marshall, Committee Chair, announced that Keith Kron, UUA Director of the Office of BGLT, will be coming in April to speak at a service.  That will be the kick-off for the Welcoming Congregation Program.  She showed us the Welcoming Congregation Handbook and reported that at least six workshops will be needed for us to qualify as a Welcoming Congregation. This will take one to two years to accomplish. Jolynn Moore is preparing a survey for the Fellowship members to take which will illuminate the individual feelings (conscious and unconscious) on BGLT  issues.


Hiring a Director of Religious Education:


Kris Gabrielsen shared that the Board requested a proposal from the RE Committee regarding a paid RE Director.  The Board feels that it will be important to UUFM's future to have a paid RE Director position.  Barbara Roush explained in some detail the pay and  job requirements for anyone taking on this position.  Kris Gabrielsen announced that we need to explore adding a line item for a RE Director in the 2010-11 budget.  Ken Moore asked if the Director could be a Fellowship member since it would be a paid position. Kris assured him that that it could be because the policy for not paying members is not applicable to employees of UUFM.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 P.M.



                                                Respectfully submitted,




                                                Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary







