Present :  Bergen, deChatelet, Gabrielsen, Halvorsen, Hughes, Marshall, McGinnis


·        The meeting was opened by Kris Gabrielsen at 6:30 P.M.  Patriciafaye Marshall  read a poem in honor of the season – “Thanksgiving Song.”  A letter has been received from the Virginia Garcia Clinic thanking us for the donation from our cash offering during the last quarter.


·        Finance:  Beverly Halvorsen presented the budget:

            COH - $11,342.04

                        Building Fund - $1,671.86

                        Reserve Fund - $4,002.73

Bev presented her draft of a Finance Policy to the Board.  The members will study it and comment on it at our next Board Meeting.  In regard to hiring a new CPA, Bev explained her dissatisfaction with our current one ( does not understand 501C3 policy and charged us too much).  It was decided Bev would call a CPA recommended by Bernie to see if she would be willing to work for us.  If Bev is satisfied with their conversation we will vote  to hire her next month. Bev reported that the only unusual expense this month was for the storage cabinet at the Senior Center. Ken Moore and helpers installed it and  the staff  at the Center is pleased with it and so are we.


·        Board Goals: 


o       Membership and Attendance:  We have about 50 persons in attendance at  the Services each month and our membership is up to 36.  How to increase membership and spread the word of our Fellowship  was discussed at length.  Lynn Hughes suggested that getting local people to give the sermon will draw a local audience. Fliers with tear-offs hung around town have  generated interest.  Ted deChatelet suggested that a Facebook page would  generate interest from younger couples with small children. He will hook us up in December.  Our Fellowship meetings might be better attended if we have a concrete proposal to vote on.


·        RE Director Needs:  Barb Roush provided us with a detailed list of needs and duties to help in our search for a new RE Director.  She will be resigning at the end of this year. There were a number of questions raised  about the pay scale and hours needed to run  RE, as well as, the need for having a second person in with the toddlers.  Should our new Director be a Unitarian Universalist or is it permissible to hire anyone who understands  UU philosophy  and is able to use UU RE materials. These are questions that will be added to the Agenda for our December 6th Fellowship Meeting.  Ted deChatelet will ask his students at Western Oregon in Monmouth if there is any interest in working with us. He will observe an RE class to get an idea of  their program




·        Terms for Current Board Members:



o       May 2010:  Pam Bergen, Patriciafaye Marshall, Bernie McGinnis

o       May 2011:  Ted deChatelet, Kris Gabrielsen, Beverly Halvorsen, Lynn Hughes


In May 2010 it will be necessary to elect a new President, Secretary and Vice President of the Board


·        Policy Manual: 


Beverly Halvorsen presented a first draft of  a Finance Policy.  Bernie is coordinating the creation of our Policy Manual. 


·        Agenda for December 6th Fellowship Meeting:



o       RE Director Proposal

o       No pay for UUFM members unless hired  for a specific position.

o       Welcoming Committee update

o       Terms for Board Members – need three new members, plus election of President, Vice President and Secretary in May 2010.

o       Need a Director to take charge of set-up and take-down before and after services.        

o       Should we donate the cash collection at one service per quarter to the Fellowship?



·        The PNW District Meeting will be held from February 19-21. Kris and Eric Gabrielsen may go. It depends on the cost to the Fellowship.


·        The News Register is preparing an ad page for local places of worship  during the Holiday Season.  It was decided that we would place an ad for our Solstice Service for $68.00.  Beverly Halvorsen will contact Susan Marrant about creating an ad.


The next Board Meeting will be held on December 21st at Pam Bergen’s house at 6:30 P.M.



                                                            Respectfully submitted,




                                                            Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary