Present: Bergen, deChatelet, Halvorsen, Hughes, McGinnis


·        Due to Kris Gabrielsen’s absence, Bernie McGinnis, Vice Chair, presided and the meeting opened at 7:12 P.M. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Beverly Halvorsen and seconded by Ted deChatelet. It carried unanimously.


·        Finance: Beverly Halvorsen presented the budget:

·        COH - $9,617.43, 

·        Building Fund - $1,166.18 and

·        Reserve Fund  - $4001.70. 

There were a number of unexpected expenses this month totaling $1,251.00. Rent for a second RE room, Youth Group expenses, a new cupboard, CPA budget increase and payroll software.  A motion to accept the budget was made by Ted deChatelet and seconded by Lynn Hughes.  It was carried unanimously. It was decided to defer a discussion of a CPA change until next month. Motion to accept funding the Youth Group at $20.00 per month was moved by Ted deChatelet and seconded by Pam Bergen. It was carried unanimously.


·        Committee Reports:





    Review of Board Goals:  Patriciafaye Marshall reported that a proposed meeting with Montessori parents will not take place.  The board decided to defer discussion of giving the Treasurer an assistant until next month.  While acknowledging the yeoman service of Bev (and Phil), Bernie suggested that with minimal tweaks, the job of Treasurer could be divided so as to spread out the workload, allowing the Treasurer to act more as a planner and auditor, and potentially, helping to ease any future transitions between the various positions.


·        The matter of compensation for members of work (RE, Music) done for the Fellowship was discussed at length.  The Board decided that there should be no compensation for members with the exception of salaried positions of which there are none at present.


·        Discussion of term lengths for current Board members as a result of changes in the bylaws will be differed until we have a full Board in attendance.


·        Assistive Listening Devices. Elaine Taylor has made an offer of some sort of Assisitive Listening Devise that has not been fully explained. Bernie McGinnis will talk to her about her offer.  In the meantime, it was felt that speakers at our services should be reminded to make better use of the mike. Those who have a problem hearing should  be invited to sit at the front of the congregation.


·        PNWD District Assembly – February 19-21, 2010 - Bellevue, Washington. The question was raised as to our status at the Assembly.  As an Emerging Congregation do we have a vote? Do we have delegates? What is the registration fee? At the moment there is no money budgeted to help pay for anyone attending. It was suggested that an announcement be made at our service to see who is interested in going and discuss the matter further.


·        Patriciafaye Marshall would like to have votive candles for the congregation at our Holiday Service.  The Senior Center does not allow candles to be lit at any time.  Therefore, it was suggested that Patriciafaye look for an inexpensive alternative to candles.  Suggestions are glo-sticks or battery operated votives. Before any decision can be made the Board needs to know the cost.


The next Board Meeting will be held on November 18th at 6:30 P.M. at Bernie McGinnis’s home.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M.



                                                                                    Respectfully submitted.




                                                                                    Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary