Present:  Bergen, deChatelet, Gabrielsen, Halverson, Hughes,  Marshall, McGinnis


Kris Gabrielsen opened the meeting at 2:05 P.M.


The first order of business was to vote on the revised version (#13) of our Bylaws. A motion by Patriciafaye Marshall to accept the Bylaws as was done by e-mail vote was seconded by Ted deChatelet.  Passed unanimously.  Kris announced that there will be a meeting for any member of the Fellowship who wishes to discuss the Bylaws at Bev Halverson’s home on September 9th.  The vote by the Fellowship will be held on September 20th.


Bev Halverson reported that as of August 29th our cash on hand is $10,501.27.


A policy regarding honoraria for speakers at UUFM services was discussed at some length.  Patriciafaye Marshall reported that the Worship Committee had already discussed and voted on a policy for remuneration for UU ministers, outside ministers and Fellowship members.   Bernie McGinnis told us that this policy is ours to make, since a brief study (by Bernie) of the remuneration policy other nearby (100 miles) UU Congregations without a minister showed that there are a variety of approaches.  Although some congregations compensated members, many did not.  Kris Gabrielsen feels that the Board is ultimately responsible for setting payment policy.  She asked Patriciafaye Marshall to have the Worship Committee send us their proposal for paying UU ministers, outside ministers and Fellowship members. The question of conflict of interest was raised in regards to paying Board members for speaking.  Patriciafaye Marshall will have a proposal for the Board’s next meeting on September 24th.


Kris Gabrielsen congratulated Ken Moore and the picnic committee for organizing a most successful picnic on August 23rd.  In particular, thanks to Ken and Christy for use of their beautiful property in Yamhill.


Patriciafaye Marshall asked if we should keep past Board Members and past Chairs as a group to attend retreats and assist with major decisions in order to maintain “institutional memory” for our Fellowship. It was agreed that Section 8.4 of the Bylaws dealing with the Council of Past Chairs serves this purpose in the future when this will be needed.


Our next Board meeting will be held on September 24th at Bev Halverson’s home.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 P.M.



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary