Present: Bergen, Gabrielsen, Halverson, Hughes, Marshall, McGinnis


Kris Gabrielsen called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


First order if business was to welcome Patriciafaye Marshall as our newest Board Member.


Budget:  Bev Halverson reported that our cash on hand is $8,511.68.  She feels that we need to tighten up our process for counting donations at our Sunday services. From now on Greeters will count and make a record of checks received and cash donated. Bev has created a form for them to use. She will count the collection again before she makes a deposit. It is agreed that checks for under $50.00 we do not need two signatures. This change will be added to the amendments proposed for the bylaws.


The question of whether the Treasurer should open the Fellowship’s bank statement in order to maintain a system of checks and balances was raised.  It was decided to Table this for the moment.


Audit Team: John Braun and Eric Gabrielsen have agreed to do the audit in early July.  In the future the Nominating Committee will appoint the Audit Team.


The Conflict of Interest Form has been read by the members of the Board and was signed by all present.


The Membership Committee (Bernie McGinnis, Eric Gabrielsen and Elaine Taylor) will meet very soon. It was decided that we would ask the members of the Fellowship to bring a friend to the picnic on August 23rd at Ken Moore’s house.


UU 101 Session was held at Bernie McGinnis’s house on June 10th. Thirteen persons attended and had a very good discussion with a Q&A session afterwards.


Kris Gabrielsen reported that Judy Spinner has volunteered to do the flowers at all services. Linda Severance will put together the Order of Service for future services.


Kris Gabrielsen, Lynn Hughes, Nancy Nelson and Vicki Wilbanks will meet on June 17th to start planning for our Annual Retreat.


Kris Gabrielsen, Beverly Halverson and Brian DeMarco have met to revise various sections of our Bylaws. Kris will e-mail the revised Bylaws to the Board. We are requested to read and comment on them. The Board will try and come to a consensus at our next meeting.


UUFM Board Retreat will be held on Saturday, August 29th from 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. at Bernie McGinnis’ house.


Kris Gabrielsen wants us to start creating a Policy and Procedures Manual. Bernie McGinnis, Pam Bergen and Bev Halverson agreed to work on this


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Pamela H. Bergen, Secretary